What a waste

dagrandesibuna January 19, 2021 9:43 pm

I watched the first episode of the anime and I was incredibly surprised by the animation quality, it was beautiful. I really enjoyed the realism in the setting and was excited to see it develop as well (it seemed on a more serious tone than most isekai).

But coming here to try and get more into it, I'm seriously disappointed. What a waste of such a gorgeous animation on a work like this. So many incredible isekai that could've been animated instead, tsk tsk. And yes, it's mainly after knowing his dad is cheating on his wife and it was simply glossed over.

    crow January 21, 2021 4:51 am

    imagine if the beginning after the end was animated instead. the quality

    dagrandesibuna January 21, 2021 6:44 pm
    imagine if the beginning after the end was animated instead. the quality crow

    This is what I mean, I've got to find incredibly rich stories with compelling characters and unique elements to them that would be incredible when animated; moreover, with an animation quality like this one got. Sad.