I don't think Anastacus is some good dude, I just think he's not in charge of his own body right now. I think he may have been mostly in charge for a while but when Alpheus hit him or whatever a while back, it knocked him out and gave the thing possessing him full control. He had been relatively mild, if sinister, before that, but now he's all DOOOOOM and glinty eyes.

i might be grasping at straws but i think the older brother was influenced by his mom a lot seeing as she beat the emperor and probably put a toxic mindset into her son leading to all of this happening, and even though i don't really want it to happen,,, i assume there will be a part where the actual unpossessed older brother returns becomes regretful for what he did and he and Jeanette live a happy life but if he gets killed by lucas i wont be mad

We get a flashback of Lucas denying an offer to teach a boy and calling him all sorts of stuff and that kid is aethernias (whatever his name is) and then we also have a flashback of anastucus getting called by someone and he’s stuck in a dark trance. Then Claude breaks him out of it and that shows that anastuchus cares for Claude and then in the books that Athy reads we see aethernias and how he became a world class mage and how “anathsusus” was wary of meeting Lucas in the past chapters. Why? Lucas would recognize him right away. I think anasthcis really did die but made some sort of dead with aethernias and now he’s back.
The end
So Anastacus is possessed by that one emperor who Lucas called trash but then became "the greatest emperor" or whatever, right? If I'm picking up what they're putting down... ╮( ̄-- ̄)╭