In every single decision you will make about your future, You will always have regrets, the important thing is finding the right person to start that journey.
Sajo from Doukyuusei
Just to let you know I made up finding the right person part because at that part the character used his partner’s name soo-

thank you guys so i couldn’t keep quiet and i got into an argument with my teacher and i literally told him his statement was bullshit and he said he was going to suspend me but i laughed like bitch we’re doing online school anyway he said he emailed my “guardian” but i put a fake email thats connect to me LMFAOOOO

omg i learned so much from anime, every show has some lesson and meaning some are just similiar and harder to find then others
- if you have time to think about a beautiful end then live beautifully till the end - gintoki
- “A farewell is like the other side of a coin. It will only happen when there is an encounter. Rather than dreading the day we have to part, shouldn’t we be happy that we had the chance to meet today instead?” – Gintoki Sakata
im not lazy, im highly motivated to do nothing -hyouka ( my personal fav)
-“A lesson without pain is meaningless. That’s because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart… a Fullmetal heart.” - FMA
-all is one, one is all - FMA
Anime – it’s not something that can be thought of in a hall for conferences. It is made out of strange juices current from the brain of animators.” – Gintoki Sakata
“Will you choose that ticket and live on as a man? Or will you choose this one and go back to being a woman? No matter what you choose, I’m sure you will continue to waver. But what’s wrong with that? Manly? Womanly? Are those random values that others made up really what you were striving toward? If things were so clear cut, then neither men, women, you, or me would be leading such painful lives.” – Gintoki Sakata
“The night is in its darkest just before dawn. But keep your eyes open. If you avert your eyes from the dark, you’ll be blinded by the rays of a new day. So keep your eyes open, no matter how dark the night ahead may be.” – Gintoki Sakata
“There is no need for any proof. There is no need to create any. We just have to live every second to the fullest, and the traces of the path we lived will burn into the ground. That will serve as proof of our existence.” – Hijikata Toushirou
ok im done i have so many amazing gintama quotes cause that show has so many life lessons in it and really taught me alot
what is the best advice (maybe quote) you have learned from an anime or manga, im just curious cuz i used one for my english class and it was a good one but apparently it didn’t count cuz its anime total bullshit because i learned something anyway tell meee im interested in what others have read or heard (⌒▽⌒)