The Cherry January 19, 2021 5:46 pm

UGH I WAS ENJOYING IT SO MUCH BUT I HATE THAT THE ML IS EUGENE?? i hate the "it's not incest because they're not blood related" take. it still makes me feel so uncomfy ksjkjd. ugh i feel like im too far in to drop it so i guess i'll pretend to myself that they're not siblings??

    kana kanai January 19, 2021 6:24 pm

    i totally feel you on this one
    like, its so ICKY, I hate this type of troupe. It was looking to be a good read too,
    sighh ( ̄へ ̄)

    Bug January 21, 2021 6:09 am

    as someone who is actually adopted the incest makes me feel uncomfy abfjhkghfjd like even if they aren't related by blood they were still raised as siblings (even if it was only for like 2 years) and like thats gross, it really gives me some umbrella academy season 1luther/allison vibes and i'm not here for it.

    AKIRA January 21, 2021 12:28 pm

    finally! someone with the same thoughts..

    MeloNelo3 January 22, 2021 3:22 pm

    It isn’t incest because they’re not related.
    It IS weird because didn’t they adopt Hari because she was like a carbon copy of Arina???? Lmao. Weird.

    Telly January 24, 2021 1:05 am
    It isn’t incest because they’re not related.It IS weird because didn’t they adopt Hari because she was like a carbon copy of Arina???? Lmao. Weird. MeloNelo3

    Its definitely weird since Hari was adopted into the family and treated like their daughter/sister, however due to no direct blood relation and the brother not seeing Hari as a sister...some folks see it as okay