Step 1: Get to know Josh better. (Cause from the 5 seconds that we saw him he seems significantly better than Keith. He's also gorgeous, which doesn't exactly hurt.) Step 2: Realize that you're pregnant. Step 3: Do NOT go back to Keith. Be strong. Step 4: Get OUT of there, get a new job. Step 5: Tell Josh that you're pregnant and IF he wants to stick around and IF he checks out after getting to know him better then engage in a healthy and fulfilling relationship with Josh. Step 6: If Josh isn't good enough for you either, ditch him too and focus on making yourself happy and providing a good life for the baby. Step 7: Be happy and never think about Keith's toxic waste of space self again. (He is literally the worst, even if he IS super hot.)
Okay Yeonwoo, so here's what you need to do:
Step 1: Get to know Josh better. (Cause from the 5 seconds that we saw him he seems significantly better than Keith. He's also gorgeous, which doesn't exactly hurt.)
Step 2: Realize that you're pregnant.
Step 3: Do NOT go back to Keith. Be strong.
Step 4: Get OUT of there, get a new job.
Step 5: Tell Josh that you're pregnant and IF he wants to stick around and IF he checks out after getting to know him better then engage in a healthy and fulfilling relationship with Josh.
Step 6: If Josh isn't good enough for you either, ditch him too and focus on making yourself happy and providing a good life for the baby.
Step 7: Be happy and never think about Keith's toxic waste of space self again. (He is literally the worst, even if he IS super hot.)