
Brianna January 19, 2021 4:36 pm

Anyone else thinks the princess is kinda sus like is she the original MC just my guess...

    。Kimiko 。 January 19, 2021 4:52 pm

    Fucking duh? It was said so in the beginning what have you been reading up until this point?

    Babygirl January 19, 2021 5:30 pm
    Fucking duh? It was said so in the beginning what have you been reading up until this point? 。Kimiko 。

    They were just asking a question, no need to be a duck about it

    Brianna January 19, 2021 5:53 pm
    They were just asking a question, no need to be a duck about it Babygirl

    Thank you

    。Kimiko 。 January 20, 2021 12:17 am
    They were just asking a question, no need to be a duck about it Babygirl

    It was a dumb question. Something that you would already know if you actually read the story. I said it like that for a reason

    。Kimiko 。 January 20, 2021 12:18 am

    Was literally shoved down everyone’s throat who was who in this story. You just weren’t paying attention

    Brianna January 20, 2021 2:49 am
    Was literally shoved down everyone’s throat who was who in this story. You just weren’t paying attention 。Kimiko 。

    Well then shouldn't you saying it nicely instead of cursing it just aquestion like no need to be so rude about it

    。Kimiko 。 January 20, 2021 2:54 am
    Well then shouldn't you saying it nicely instead of cursing it just aquestion like no need to be so rude about it Brianna

    Bruh I wasn’t even being rude all I did was curse lmao if someone asks a dumbass question like this Ima answer it the same way I did because it’s a pure fucking DUH moment me answering nicely will sound like baby talk so what do you prefer? A “fucking duh” or being treated like a toddler?

    Babygirl January 21, 2021 4:46 pm
    Bruh I wasn’t even being rude all I did was curse lmao if someone asks a dumbass question like this Ima answer it the same way I did because it’s a pure fucking DUH moment me answering nicely will sound lik... 。Kimiko 。

    Nah what’s weird is you coming back acting all crazy, we got your point the first time you said it so all this back talk is unnecessary. It’s common curtesy to be nice to people in comments especially when they don’t say anything outta pocket. And yes, you were rude in your response, like tell me, how were we supposed to take your response because let’s be real, saying “fucking duh” makes you sound like an ass. #-.-)

    。Kimiko 。 January 21, 2021 5:59 pm
    Nah what’s weird is you coming back acting all crazy, we got your point the first time you said it so all this back talk is unnecessary. It’s common curtesy to be nice to people in comments especially when ... Babygirl

    I’m not? You’re the one who decided to come at me when I’ve done nothing to you so you caused this “back talk” that you claim was unnecessary I know how fucking duh sounds I just don’t care. Deal with it. Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer

    Brianna January 21, 2021 8:57 pm
    I’m not? You’re the one who decided to come at me when I’ve done nothing to you so you caused this “back talk” that you claim was unnecessary I know how fucking duh sounds I just don’t care. Deal wi... 。Kimiko 。

    Well would u like it if I talk like that to u tf so what if I ask a stupid question it's my opinion tf talking as if you're really smart

    Brianna January 21, 2021 9:29 pm
    I’m not? You’re the one who decided to come at me when I’ve done nothing to you so you caused this “back talk” that you claim was unnecessary I know how fucking duh sounds I just don’t care. Deal wi... 。Kimiko 。

    Ok listen here you think your so smart and intelligent Ms.know it all you think your all that that everyone loves really what are you a kindergartner for all talk with that big mouth of yours so what if they already said she was the MC some people didn't know that you could of just said that they already said that instead of coming here and running mouth does no one teach u manners

    Brianna January 21, 2021 9:40 pm
    I’m not? You’re the one who decided to come at me when I’ve done nothing to you so you caused this “back talk” that you claim was unnecessary I know how fucking duh sounds I just don’t care. Deal wi... 。Kimiko 。

    Here you are with the audacity to attack me for a simple question that I didn't ask your opinion on you think of yourself as higher then everyone else that everyone else is just a useless you think of your self all high and mighty. Well someone should wake you up snow white this isn't a fairy tale. You are an actual disappointment how could your parents even raise such a creature like you.

    Brianna January 21, 2021 9:45 pm
    I’m not? You’re the one who decided to come at me when I’ve done nothing to you so you caused this “back talk” that you claim was unnecessary I know how fucking duh sounds I just don’t care. Deal wi... 。Kimiko 。

    This is a website for everyone to read manga and you decided to pick up a fight dont make me laugh I tried to be polite but my patience has reached its limit listen here YOU NEED TO GET YOUR CRUSTY DUSTY SMELLY FAT B*TCH AS. AND LEAVE ME AND THE OTHER GIRL THE HEL* ALONE IT WAS NONE OF YOUR GOD DAMM BUSINESS IN THE FIRST PLACE I JUST ASKED ONE SIMPLE QUESTION GROW UP LIKE MAKE A NASTY COMMENT AND YOU GET A NASTY RESPONSE SHUT TF UP AND GO ALONG WITH YOUR DAY.

    。Kimiko 。 January 21, 2021 10:07 pm

    Lmao I’m not reading all that I can even see the caps of you shouting whatever. Calm your ass down and try again later. I didn’t say I was a know it all I said fucking duh to your dumbass question that was answered if you actually read the story instead of just skimmed through with all the pretty pictures if you’re that pissed over a fucking duh you should reevaluate your life choices honey

    。Kimiko 。 January 21, 2021 10:09 pm

    If you wanted me to disappear you could’ve ignored me lol but instead you want to insult me with whatever the fuck your caps were you sound childish dear try some new insults that actually sting instead of baby’s first insult “musty crusty dusty bitch!” Didn’t even start a fight y’all did