hyeon ui: woah, what happened to your face? dojin: don't talk to me hyeon ui: understandab...

yukina January 19, 2021 2:23 pm

hyeon ui: woah, what happened to your face?
dojin: don't talk to me
hyeon ui: understandable, have a great day

    I_Am_Innocent January 19, 2021 2:39 pm

    HAHAHAAHAHAH this chapter in a nutshell
    dang you're making me laugh at 10 PM thankssss AHAHAHAHAH

    yukina January 19, 2021 4:59 pm
    HAHAHAAHAHAH this chapter in a nutshell dang you're making me laugh at 10 PM thankssss AHAHAHAHAH I_Am_Innocent

    glad you liked it lmao ndnjssk