okay so give me some peace cause I read the novel I while aGooo...
SOOO u know the hunt she’s planning to get out of? WELL YEET NOPE SHE FORCED TO GO! Also they slightly talk about a bow that Penelope had, that she shot at the last party? WELL SINCE NOW EVERYONE IN THE HOUSEHOLD LIKES HER, they give her the bow back expect it has magic arrows that don’t kill but rather make people faint and forget about 2 hours I think, so in case she decides to soot people (I LAUGHED SO HARD READING THIS LIKE DUKE THE HELL U GIVING UR DAUGHTER) so she gets forced to come along. Once there’s she raises everyone’s affection (I don’t remebe how don’t hate me ;() and then the hunt begins. The wizard dude is also so kind and in love with her and the two brothers are bitchy but silently protecting her ;) OKAY SO HERES WHERE WE FINALLY GET TO THE MALE LEADD! our girl decides that she’s gonna be the amazing WOMEN she be, and goes hunting by herself, of course in a less dangerous place of the hunt, like a safe first with only bunnies or harem less creatures (the actual experienced people go to more dangerous, as the harder the prey is the more point you get.) ACK FCUM SORRY I FORGOT TO TELL YALL HOW IT WORKS. In the hunt, men are expected to catch prey and bring them. Upon they that choice a lady of their choice to honor their catch, and the points of the catch depend of difficulty, so let’s say a lion or bear would be extreme and a fox would be medium/little. SOOO, following that, the women who gets the most points given to her becomes the “lady of the hunt” and basically gets bragging rights and excellent reputation. OH OH YEAH, I remeber now, the reason why all the capture targets points rise is because when they first arrive, they hold an arrival party for the hunt! BUTTT, these fucking bugs start to attack that can kill u. It seems it’s magical so someone’s controlling it (although it shouldn’t be possible cause they are extremely careful of magic but Penelope managed to sneak in her bow with the help of her family) and so these bugs start trying to kill people ya know. THEN, the men start shooting it but figure it out that it’s magic and immune to normal weapons, so then Penelope decides to fuck it and start shooting them with ehr magic bow. Upon rescuing everyone with that, her affection points rise with everyone, and her points with the crown prince and wizard rise even more because she saved the two kids that were slaves and forced to do a spell (wizards are evil during this time usually, hence why the baron wizard dude keeps its a secret cause most wizards be cruel slave owners and abusers just shitty people) and so she goes “no let them stay with wizard dude” and so the crown prince falls harder thinking dam she’s a badass to stand up to me and the other guys raises even higher cause she helped him save innocent children so he’s all she’s an angel (LMFAO I KNOW HOW DIFFERENT!) Okay NOW BACK ON TRACK, so she’s in the easy forest right? Wrong, she started chasing a bunny and somehow ended up ducking entering the dangerous part, and she encounters a bear. MISSION TIME, she gets two chances to stop A HUGE FUCKING BEAR (like in brave) TRYING TO ATTACK HER, and her magic bows don’t work it has too little magic for such a fat big bear. She does the first time, and Thea Econ’s time she’s just full of anxiety so THEN THE CROWN PRINCE SAVESS HER by killing the bear. Yeah a bloody description, but anyways after that the crown prince asks if she’s okay and the hell is she doing here, so she explains an apologizes. Sadly she loses the missin, which would have gotten her +20 reputation, lady of the hunt, +8 affection points and more stuff I don’t rmeebr. More affection points from the prince th ;) AJBDSJBDH FUCK! twist time. Y’all know how fucked up the prince is right? Well he actually acts like a gentleman for once and offers to take her back, but then assassins come. FROM THE SECOND PRINCES ORDER LIKE WHAT A FUCKER- cue the drama, pen and the crown prince are now ridding on a horse for their lives, and the crown prince decides to take a shortcut. Welp he got a bad sense of direction cause they end up getting lost but still moving (I mean they were shooting at them and all so duh yeah I’m dumb) but anyways pen gets the choice for a mission to kill all 20 assassins and get two things and affection points from prince, not accepting or failing means death/serious harm so of course she accepts. Then she becomes amazing and kills everyone, and while that she gains more love from the prince. Sadly th they have to jump off a cliff..
so then they fall but the crown prince is becoming more casa ring and sweet (his backstory comes alter trust me yall will like him after it if u don’t like him already) and so he makes sure to take all the impatt cry of the fall into the water. WELP THEY SURVIVE SO YAYYYY! but then he’s seriously harmed and she’s seeiously sick, but she puts him first and makes sure he’s okay. SWEET ROMANCE BABY, he wakes up all tired and hurt and says “come here and cuddle” because my girl is freezing herself to death it cold and their in a cave so duh and she’s got them blue lips but she refuses, so he goes okay then just die from the cold so she gives in and cuddles. WHAT A CUTE MKMENT SHE SAYS SOMETHING LIKE MY HEART IS GOING BADAMUP. Anyways after that she wakes up and so does he, and he explains how the reason he’s so on edge and cruel is because he’s never had friends, his mom and brother try to kill him ever since he was like 3, his dad doesn’t give a shit, and basically he’s a lonley dude. like wow I sobbed reading that how sad. ANYWAYS THIS LADY SAVES THEM AND GIVES THEM FOOD AND MEDICINE. After that they manage to find their ways back only....
TO FIND PENS BROTHERS AND THE DUKE AND THE WIZARD all looking for her and when they see her they become all worried. But fuck cause the prince faints due to poison (they seem to have scratched one of the arrows worth podio and he got slightly scratched with it so ;-;) and so then pen gets blamed for treason and attempt of killing him. Should I continue??

okay then lemme continue:)
I FORGOT DONT KILL ME PLEASE. So I said I didn’t remember how they got back BUT NOW I DO! So the old lady helps them recover but then pen gets the two things she got from the killing all those assassins. She got a map that can take us wherever u want, so they pointed to where they wanted to go and boom. Yeah it wasn’t anything that special I just wanted to mention it :)
SOOO PEN GETS BLAMED FOR THE ATTEMPT OF MURDDEEER. In reality, it was the second prince and ask the nobles that stand with him that planned that, but that DDINT plan our girl would survive. So they manage to pin the blame on her. Something I completely forgot to mention (I’m sorry) is that the arrival party is attacked by them bees (read previous comment) there’s this bitchy lady, I just called her blue hair I think her hair was blue in the novel :3 so this girl has won lady of hunter last year because all the men gave her their catch because pen actually shot her with the bow (the original pen) and hurt her so the bitch one from pity. She then spread rumors that she was a psycho (which lets face it pen was but she didn’t deserve all the bullshit she had to deal with :/) and that she tried killing her which is a step to far but everyone believed it. SOO ALL THROUGHOUT THIS HAPPENING THIS BITCH WAS SPREADING ALL THESE RUMORRRSSS. rumors that everyone believe so that’s why they talked down to pen even th she was a dukes daughter and had more power. Anyways so that blue haired bitch goes “oH yOu kiLLeD hiM” when in reality she saved his ass but it did look like that ;-; the wizard and the two brothers come over all worried for her like are u okay where did u disappear to and ya know the whole “I’m worried about my crush” shit. Pen then gets blamed for attempt of murder straight up like many people point at her like mother fuckers-
so yeah she gets blamed. And dies the end. IM JUST KIDDING ACK SHE COULD NEVER! so she goes “any proof” and the blue bitch is like uMmmm HES right there- somehow stupid people manage to believe her ;-; so then pen needs someone else on her side BUT HERES WHERE I HATED DEREK. I think that’s his name, Derek the first son of the duke, DOES NOT TAKE HER SIDE. he simply goes dis u do it? Meanwhile the other brother also doesn’t take his side but asks are you okay. THE ONLY MOTHERFUCKER THAT ACTUALLY HELPED HER WAS THE WIZARD SUDE. but anyways she didn’t give a fuck, she said someone go help the crown prince (at this point she got them feels and blushes going on after cuddling and talking about traumatic pasts) and so the crown prince is taken to the palace to recover. Then, they decide that pen will be held as the person who harmed him unless SHE HAS PROOF THAT SOMEONE ELSE DID IT. poor crown prince was unconscious and was taken back so he couldn’t even say she actually saved him. So she agrees duh, cause I think that’s also a mission what affection and POPULARITY IN NOBLE points. So yeah she takes the mission, and starts using her smart brain to the max. She searches like a Sherlock Holme and thennn...
She discovers that the people were the second crown prince but theres no concrete proof, BUT there is proof that the blue haired bitch and her hubby did attempt to kill him along with others. So then they go to court to fight, pen and the wizard on one side, the blue haired bitch and other nobles that follow her, and the fucking duke and his sons just stand as audience like wow u duckers I’ll kill u.
Anyways long story short after she explains, has proof and talks a long time against them, the nobles are found guilty and are forced to apologize. Blue haired bitch is drained from honor like ew nobody likes her anymore (what can I say karmas a bitch) and pens even calls out how shitty she was treated. So they get punshiment for not only attempt and possibly happening murder of the crown prince (WILL HE WAKE UP, WILL HE NOT?) but for also drowning pens honor with false rumors. Okay so happily ever- NOPE!
After that the brother go up and say something like “sorry we couldn’t take ur side but he had to not u could have done it” like bitch she said she didn’t, but whatever pen didn’t give a shit she just went yeah yeah. Even the duke felt bad but she just seperated herself and said bitch stay away. She avoids and ignores them for a while until a letter comes from the royal family offering her to stay in their hunting home for Ruhr know in honor of discovering the murders. She accepts because she both wants to see our cinnamon roll crown prince but also TO GET THE FUCK AWAY FRIM HER FAKE ASS FAMILY LIKE BYEEE. So she moves to the hunting palace but only during the hunt. She gets like 2 private moments with the wizard around these times and his affection
raises. Once there she uses the library and takes care of the crown prince and she starts blushing and everything. Then she says “wake up please” and something else like I miss u and hEeee...
LMFAO HE WAKES UP AND DELIVERS A SMOOTH LINE LIKE “u missed me baby” and he also says “wow that’s not like you but I like this side too” and she blushes (actually so does he :3) so yeah safe to say they do be falling hard. She then makes sure to take care of him and tells him all about the bullshit she went thrgh and then he got so mad like I’ll go kill them right now. He says thanks to her and he asks if she knew who did it behind the scenes, and she says yes ur brother. MORE TRUAMA TIME, like dam the brother really made the poor crown prince all worried and scared so he rather look so brave, and even pen opens up a little, careful with what she says. So yeah affection of crown prince goes up, and they be TOGETEHR there for a while. I think it’s about 2 days later, that the hunt is ending and so they gotta get out of the room and see who won. The crown prince has won the last 2 years for the hunt, but never given any of his. SOO IMAGINE EVERYONE WHEN THEY ANNOUNED THATTT
Penelope won! U remember that mission she failed? Well the crown prince put part of pens clothes tied to the bear and let pen take credit so YAYY, ACCECTION POINTS, LADY OF THE HUNT, POPULARITY POINTS AND 2 OTHER ITSMS UNLOCKED! she’s really happy but remains dignified because that means she’s her own lady of the hunt she didn’t have to depend on a man ;) but of course the crown prince and her brothers offer her the hunt they got as well as the freaking wizard! Amazing right such a harem moment :D but yeah so she won all that. Now it’s time to go back and go see her saved slave now knight (I forgot his name sorry I think it’s like ezikel?) so yeahh and um should I continue? I’m asking cause maybe y’all don’t want me to continue:))

okay then lemme continue:)
I FORGOT DONT KILL ME PLEASE. So I said I didn’t remember how they got back BUT NOW I DO! So the old lady helps them recover but then pen gets the two things she got from the killing all those assassins. She got a map that can take us wherever u want, so they pointed to where they wanted to go and boom. Yeah it wasn’t anything that special I just wanted to mention it :)
SOOO PEN GETS BLAMED FOR THE ATTEMPT OF MURDDEEER. In reality, it was the second prince and ask the nobles that stand with him that planned that, but that DDINT plan our girl would survive. So they manage to pin the blame on her. Something I completely forgot to mention (I’m sorry) is that the arrival party is attacked by them bees (read previous comment) there’s this bitchy lady, I just called her blue hair I think her hair was blue in the novel :3 so this girl has won lady of hunter last year because all the men gave her their catch because pen actually shot her with the bow (the original pen) and hurt her so the bitch one from pity. She then spread rumors that she was a psycho (which lets face it pen was but she didn’t deserve all the bullshit she had to deal with :/) and that she tried killing her which is a step to far but everyone believed it. SOO ALL THROUGHOUT THIS HAPPENING THIS BITCH WAS SPREADING ALL THESE RUMORRRSSS. rumors that everyone believe so that’s why they talked down to pen even th she was a dukes daughter and had more power. Anyways so that blue haired bitch goes “oH yOu kiLLeD hiM” when in reality she saved his ass but it did look like that ;-; the wizard and the two brothers come over all worried for her like are u okay where did u disappear to and ya know the whole “I’m worried about my crush” shit. Pen then gets blamed for attempt of murder straight up like many people point at her like mother fuckers-
so yeah she gets blamed. And dies the end. IM JUST KIDDING ACK SHE COULD NEVER! so she goes “any proof” and the blue bitch is like uMmmm HES right there- somehow stupid people manage to believe her ;-; so then pen needs someone else on her side BUT HERES WHERE I HATED DEREK. I think that’s his name, Derek the first son of the duke, DOES NOT TAKE HER SIDE. he simply goes dis u do it? Meanwhile the other brother also doesn’t take his side but asks are you okay. THE ONLY MOTHERFUCKER THAT ACTUALLY HELPED HER WAS THE WIZARD SUDE. but anyways she didn’t give a fuck, she said someone go help the crown prince (at this point she got them feels and blushes going on after cuddling and talking about traumatic pasts) and so the crown prince is taken to the palace to recover. Then, they decide that pen will be held as the person who harmed him unless SHE HAS PROOF THAT SOMEONE ELSE DID IT. poor crown prince was unconscious and was taken back so he couldn’t even say she actually saved him. So she agrees duh, cause I think that’s also a mission what affection and POPULARITY IN NOBLE points. So yeah she takes the mission, and starts using her smart brain to the max. She searches like a Sherlock Holme and thennn...
She discovers that the people were the second crown prince but theres no concrete proof, BUT there is proof that the blue haired bitch and her hubby did attempt to kill him along with others. So then they go to court to fight, pen and the wizard on one side, the blue haired bitch and other nobles that follow her, and the fucking duke and his sons just stand as audience like wow u duckers I’ll kill u.
Anyways long story short after she explains, has proof and talks a long time against them, the nobles are found guilty and are forced to apologize. Blue haired bitch is drained from honor like ew nobody likes her anymore (what can I say karmas a bitch) and pens even calls out how shitty she was treated. So they get punshiment for not only attempt and possibly happening murder of the crown prince (WILL HE WAKE UP, WILL HE NOT?) but for also drowning pens honor with false rumors. Okay so happily ever- NOPE!
After that the brother go up and say something like “sorry we couldn’t take ur side but he had to not u could have done it” like bitch she said she didn’t, but whatever pen didn’t give a shit she just went yeah yeah. Even the duke felt bad but she just seperated herself and said bitch stay away. She avoids and ignores them for a while until a letter comes from the royal family offering her to stay in their hunting home for Ruhr know in honor of discovering the murders. She accepts because she both wants to see our cinnamon roll crown prince but also TO GET THE FUCK AWAY FRIM HER FAKE ASS FAMILY LIKE BYEEE. So she moves to the hunting palace but only during the hunt. She gets like 2 private moments with the wizard around these times and his affection
raises. Once there she uses the library and takes care of the crown prince and she starts blushing and everything. Then she says “wake up please” and something else like I miss u and hEeee...
LMFAO HE WAKES UP AND DELIVERS A SMOOTH LINE LIKE “u missed me baby” and he also says “wow that’s not like you but I like this side too” and she blushes (actually so does he :3) so yeah safe to say they do be falling hard. She then makes sure to take care of him and tells him all about the bullshit she went thrgh and then he got so mad like I’ll go kill them right now. He says thanks to her and he asks if she knew who did it behind the scenes, and she says yes ur brother. MORE TRUAMA TIME, like dam the brother really made the poor crown prince all worried and scared so he rather look so brave, and even pen opens up a little, careful with what she says. So yeah affection of crown prince goes up, and they be TOGETEHR there for a while. I think it’s about 2 days later, that the hunt is ending and so they gotta get out of the room and see who won. The crown prince has won the last 2 years for the hunt, but never given any of his. SOO IMAGINE EVERYONE WHEN THEY ANNOUNED THATTT
Penelope won! U remember that mission she failed? Well the crown prince put part of pens clothes tied to the bear and let pen take credit so YAYY, ACCECTION POINTS, LADY OF THE HUNT, POPULARITY POINTS AND 2 OTHER ITSMS UNLOCKED! she’s really happy but remains dignified because that means she’s her own lady of the hunt she didn’t have to depend on a man ;) but of course the crown prince and her brothers offer her the hunt they got as well as the freaking wizard! Amazing right such a harem moment :D but yeah so she won all that. Now it’s time to go back and go see her saved slave now knight (I forgot his name sorry I think it’s like ezikel?) so yeahh and um should I continue? I’m asking cause maybe y’all don’t want me to continue:))

okay then lemme continue:)
I FORGOT DONT KILL ME PLEASE. So I said I didn’t remember how they got back BUT NOW I DO! So the old lady helps them recover but then pen gets the two things she got from the killing all those assassins. She got a map that can take us wherever u want, so they pointed to where they wanted to go and boom. Yeah it wasn’t anything that special I just wanted to mention it :)
SOOO PEN GETS BLAMED FOR THE ATTEMPT OF MURDDEEER. In reality, it was the second prince and ask the nobles that stand with him that planned that, but that DDINT plan our girl would survive. So they manage to pin the blame on her. Something I completely forgot to mention (I’m sorry) is that the arrival party is attacked by them bees (read previous comment) there’s this bitchy lady, I just called her blue hair I think her hair was blue in the novel :3 so this girl has won lady of hunter last year because all the men gave her their catch because pen actually shot her with the bow (the original pen) and hurt her so the bitch one from pity. She then spread rumors that she was a psycho (which lets face it pen was but she didn’t deserve all the bullshit she had to deal with :/) and that she tried killing her which is a step to far but everyone believed it. SOO ALL THROUGHOUT THIS HAPPENING THIS BITCH WAS SPREADING ALL THESE RUMORRRSSS. rumors that everyone believe so that’s why they talked down to pen even th she was a dukes daughter and had more power. Anyways so that blue haired bitch goes “oH yOu kiLLeD hiM” when in reality she saved his ass but it did look like that ;-; the wizard and the two brothers come over all worried for her like are u okay where did u disappear to and ya know the whole “I’m worried about my crush” shit. Pen then gets blamed for attempt of murder straight up like many people point at her like mother fuckers-
so yeah she gets blamed. And dies the end. IM JUST KIDDING ACK SHE COULD NEVER! so she goes “any proof” and the blue bitch is like uMmmm HES right there- somehow stupid people manage to believe her ;-; so then pen needs someone else on her side BUT HERES WHERE I HATED DEREK. I think that’s his name, Derek the first son of the duke, DOES NOT TAKE HER SIDE. he simply goes dis u do it? Meanwhile the other brother also doesn’t take his side but asks are you okay. THE ONLY MOTHERFUCKER THAT ACTUALLY HELPED HER WAS THE WIZARD SUDE. but anyways she didn’t give a fuck, she said someone go help the crown prince (at this point she got them feels and blushes going on after cuddling and talking about traumatic pasts) and so the crown prince is taken to the palace to recover. Then, they decide that pen will be held as the person who harmed him unless SHE HAS PROOF THAT SOMEONE ELSE DID IT. poor crown prince was unconscious and was taken back so he couldn’t even say she actually saved him. So she agrees duh, cause I think that’s also a mission what affection and POPULARITY IN NOBLE points. So yeah she takes the mission, and starts using her smart brain to the max. She searches like a Sherlock Holme and thennn...
She discovers that the people were the second crown prince but theres no concrete proof, BUT there is proof that the blue haired bitch and her hubby did attempt to kill him along with others. So then they go to court to fight, pen and the wizard on one side, the blue haired bitch and other nobles that follow her, and the fucking duke and his sons just stand as audience like wow u duckers I’ll kill u.
Anyways long story short after she explains, has proof and talks a long time against them, the nobles are found guilty and are forced to apologize. Blue haired bitch is drained from honor like ew nobody likes her anymore (what can I say karmas a bitch) and pens even calls out how shitty she was treated. So they get punshiment for not only attempt and possibly happening murder of the crown prince (WILL HE WAKE UP, WILL HE NOT?) but for also drowning pens honor with false rumors. Okay so happily ever- NOPE!
After that the brother go up and say something like “sorry we couldn’t take ur side but he had to not u could have done it” like bitch she said she didn’t, but whatever pen didn’t give a shit she just went yeah yeah. Even the duke felt bad but she just seperated herself and said bitch stay away. She avoids and ignores them for a while until a letter comes from the royal family offering her to stay in their hunting home for Ruhr know in honor of discovering the murders. She accepts because she both wants to see our cinnamon roll crown prince but also TO GET THE FUCK AWAY FRIM HER FAKE ASS FAMILY LIKE BYEEE. So she moves to the hunting palace but only during the hunt. She gets like 2 private moments with the wizard around these times and his affection
raises. Once there she uses the library and takes care of the crown prince and she starts blushing and everything. Then she says “wake up please” and something else like I miss u and hEeee...
LMFAO HE WAKES UP AND DELIVERS A SMOOTH LINE LIKE “u missed me baby” and he also says “wow that’s not like you but I like this side too” and she blushes (actually so does he :3) so yeah safe to say they do be falling hard. She then makes sure to take care of him and tells him all about the bullshit she went thrgh and then he got so mad like I’ll go kill them right now. He says thanks to her and he asks if she knew who did it behind the scenes, and she says yes ur brother. MORE TRUAMA TIME, like dam the brother really made the poor crown prince all worried and scared so he rather look so brave, and even pen opens up a little, careful with what she says. So yeah affection of crown prince goes up, and they be TOGETEHR there for a while. I think it’s about 2 days later, that the hunt is ending and so they gotta get out of the room and see who won. The crown prince has won the last 2 years for the hunt, but never given any of his. SOO IMAGINE EVERYONE WHEN THEY ANNOUNED THATTT
Penelope won! U remember that mission she failed? Well the crown prince put part of pens clothes tied to the bear and let pen take credit so YAYY, ACCECTION POINTS, LADY OF THE HUNT, POPULARITY POINTS AND 2 OTHER ITSMS UNLOCKED! she’s really happy but remains dignified because that means she’s her own lady of the hunt she didn’t have to depend on a man ;) but of course the crown prince and her brothers offer her the hunt they got as well as the freaking wizard! Amazing right such a harem moment :D but yeah so she won all that. Now it’s time to go back and go see her saved slave now knight (I forgot his name sorry I think it’s like ezikel?) so yeahh and um should I continue? I’m asking cause maybe y’all don’t want me to continue:))

Hi guys! Sorry I took so long I was rereading so I could get my facts straight so here we go~
so lemme fix the mistake I made. I had said previously that the two dukes offered her the prey. WELP THEY DID NOT, they only stared at her but said nothing (like the fuck ;-;) BUT I WAS CORRECT THAT WIZARD DUDE (his names vuinter ;D) did offer her his prey and even gave her a kiss on the hand to show kindness. Of course our girl was like I DONT WANT THISS, but she accepted cause of affection points although she said she wanted to cry ;) then the prince wins 2nd place in the hunt and decides to also give it to her, and at this point she just accepts all depressed cause she was trying to lay low but she couldn’t. Everyone’s getting curious as of how won 1st place cause the crown prince has won the last couple of years, AND IMAGINE THE SUPRISE WHEN THEY FOUND IT WAS PENN! everyone was like gAsP what like believe it bitches ;-; but yeah basically she won lady of the hunt so congrats to my girl but she’s all worried. SO SHE GOES UP TO GET THE PRIZE AND THE PRIZE MONEY IS A WHOLE DUCKING 100 MILLION (the amount of anime I could watch off that) so of course she takes it. Then she makes eye contact with all of the male leads (minus knight guy) so here lemme give u a recap~
Crown Prince Affection: 45%
Wizard Guy Affection (Vuinter): 44%
1st Duke (Derek) Affection: 32%
2nd Duke (Leonard) Affection: 40%
She then thought to herself ion need no man (like u go girl) and then she said, “hunting a bear, was no big deal, next time I’ll hunt something even better” and everyone went all gAsP like yes she a strong one ;) anyways we skip to when she’s in the carriage on her way back to the dukes house and Emily is all excited cause she won and is pumping her up (honestly an adorable sight who could have ever thought how far Emily would come?) Anyways the finally arrive home and the butler is begging her to explain who all of this hunt belongs to and of course she goes MEEE I WON DUDE. so yeah he’s all surprised but she just tells them to skin the animals (to make faNcY coats and scarfs, etc. for the male leads and for her) and then she gets her treasure (all them gold money) and she’s just laying on it like in duck tails all MY MONEYY SHOOWEERRR! then leonard decides to disturb and go all, sO wE havIng dinner TOGETEHR and ur acting like a child (like sir excuse u leave) and she’s so happy she doenst even care until he mentions the family dinner she goes all- wat did u just say. he then goes to explain she has to go, and she just has this face is disgust like dang it cause during the hunt she was in the palace so she didn’t have to see them but now she does. So she lies, doesn’t work well and she ends up having to go. With a big sigh she gets up, and then leo has to open his big mouth and see “we wanted to give it to u.” Confused, she stares at him. “We wanted to give u our hunt but we aren’t allowed to, families can’t give each other their hunt” meaning he thought she was mad about that like BUAHAHAHAH REALLY? dumbass :3 but anyways she goes like “yeah no dude that’s not it” and of course he doesn’t believe it so he just explains more like dude shut up- but then pen goes I donT caRe so he’s like “well I could have gotten a beast but because of someone-“ so basically he hunted the rabbit that pen in the beginning, when she was hunting in the easy forest and ended up in the hard forest where the whole bear and assassins problems started, so he got that for her. Oddly sweet but stil the hell?? She decided she still wasn’t gonna go and just fell asleep with the money (the amount of money she has th :0). NEXT MORNINGG, she wakes up and she’s all worked up to go see knight guy (ECKLISS IS HIS NAME) and so she goes. of course it starts raining on her way (does eckliss have magic rain powers or what :0) but she still goes to see him. Of course he’s still training in the rain but he’s doing it wrong cause no one wants to train him (bastards ;-;) and so he can kill people but not prOperLy. she makes sure he won’t put the sword next to her neck and almost stab her (she’s careful after that last time of course) and then she says hi. HE TURNS AORUND AND GOES “MASTER?” And just stares with his puppy dog eyes getting bigger by the second. His affection points are 69% meaning he is the highest :3 okay so she goes on to say here u go, and gives him a case but he hesitates cause he doesn’t wanna get her previous hand wet (I swear he’s like a little baby I love him :3) but she forces him to accept it. ITS A WHOLE DUCKING EXPENSIVE JEWEL ARMOR WITH TIGER SKIN LIKE IT PRICELESS- but she gives it to him. He starts going all its too much, but she explains how his clan (capria, the ones talented at swords and fighting that are now hunted for in case u don’t remember:D) used ivory for its highest warriors and that it was an honor for him, being a part of that clan, to wear it. So of course he accepts it and gives her a kiss on the hand and is so happy (also says thank u master) AND AUDBAJDBHSBDHS GUESS WHAT? SHES DONE IT! 77% AFFECTIOONNNN! after 70% is reached it will no longer be shown on top of their head th :0 and I’ll post the next summary after I binge read it I’m sorry ;(

Hi guys! Sorry I took so long I was rereading so I could get my facts straight so here we go~
so lemme fix the mistake I made. I had said previously that the two dukes offered her the prey. WELP THEY DID NOT, they only stared at her but said nothing (like the fuck ;-;) BUT I WAS CORRECT THAT WIZARD DUDE (his names vuinter ;D) did offer her his prey and even gave her a kiss on the hand to show kindness. Of course our girl was like I DONT WANT THISS, but she accepted cause of affection points although she said she wanted to cry ;) then the prince wins 2nd place in the hunt and decides to also give it to her, and at this point she just accepts all depressed cause she was trying to lay low but she couldn’t. Everyone’s getting curious as of how won 1st place cause the crown prince has won the last couple of years, AND IMAGINE THE SUPRISE WHEN THEY FOUND IT WAS PENN! everyone was like gAsP what like believe it bitches ;-; but yeah basically she won lady of the hunt so congrats to my girl but she’s all worried. SO SHE GOES UP TO GET THE PRIZE AND THE PRIZE MONEY IS A WHOLE DUCKING 100 MILLION (the amount of anime I could watch off that) so of course she takes it. Then she makes eye contact with all of the male leads (minus knight guy) so here lemme give u a recap~
Crown Prince Affection: 45%
Wizard Guy Affection (Vuinter): 44%
1st Duke (Derek) Affection: 32%
2nd Duke (Leonard) Affection: 40%
She then thought to herself ion need no man (like u go girl) and then she said, “hunting a bear, was no big deal, next time I’ll hunt something even better” and everyone went all gAsP like yes she a strong one ;) anyways we skip to when she’s in the carriage on her way back to the dukes house and Emily is all excited cause she won and is pumping her up (honestly an adorable sight who could have ever thought how far Emily would come?) Anyways the finally arrive home and the butler is begging her to explain who all of this hunt belongs to and of course she goes MEEE I WON DUDE. so yeah he’s all surprised but she just tells them to skin the animals (to make faNcY coats and scarfs, etc. for the male leads and for her) and then she gets her treasure (all them gold money) and she’s just laying on it like in duck tails all MY MONEYY SHOOWEERRR! then leonard decides to disturb and go all, sO wE havIng dinner TOGETEHR and ur acting like a child (like sir excuse u leave) and she’s so happy she doenst even care until he mentions the family dinner she goes all- wat did u just say. he then goes to explain she has to go, and she just has this face is disgust like dang it cause during the hunt she was in the palace so she didn’t have to see them but now she does. So she lies, doesn’t work well and she ends up having to go. With a big sigh she gets up, and then leo has to open his big mouth and see “we wanted to give it to u.” Confused, she stares at him. “We wanted to give u our hunt but we aren’t allowed to, families can’t give each other their hunt” meaning he thought she was mad about that like BUAHAHAHAH REALLY? dumbass :3 but anyways she goes like “yeah no dude that’s not it” and of course he doesn’t believe it so he just explains more like dude shut up- but then pen goes I donT caRe so he’s like “well I could have gotten a beast but because of someone-“ so basically he hunted the rabbit that pen in the beginning, when she was hunting in the easy forest and ended up in the hard forest where the whole bear and assassins problems started, so he got that for her. Oddly sweet but stil the hell?? She decided she still wasn’t gonna go and just fell asleep with the money (the amount of money she has th :0). NEXT MORNINGG, she wakes up and she’s all worked up to go see knight guy (ECKLISS IS HIS NAME) and so she goes. of course it starts raining on her way (does eckliss have magic rain powers or what :0) but she still goes to see him. Of course he’s still training in the rain but he’s doing it wrong cause no one wants to train him (bastards ;-;) and so he can kill people but not prOperLy. she makes sure he won’t put the sword next to her neck and almost stab her (she’s careful after that last time of course) and then she says hi. HE TURNS AORUND AND GOES “MASTER?” And just stares with his puppy dog eyes getting bigger by the second. His affection points are 69% meaning he is the highest :3 okay so she goes on to say here u go, and gives him a case but he hesitates cause he doesn’t wanna get her previous hand wet (I swear he’s like a little baby I love him :3) but she forces him to accept it. ITS A WHOLE DUCKING EXPENSIVE JEWEL ARMOR WITH TIGER SKIN LIKE IT PRICELESS- but she gives it to him. He starts going all its too much, but she explains how his clan (capria, the ones talented at swords and fighting that are now hunted for in case u don’t remember:D) used ivory for its highest warriors and that it was an honor for him, being a part of that clan, to wear it. So of course he accepts it and gives her a kiss on the hand and is so happy (also says thank u master) AND AUDBAJDBHSBDHS GUESS WHAT? SHES DONE IT! 77% AFFECTIOONNNN! after 70% is reached it will no longer be shown on top of their head th :0 and I’ll post the next summary after I binge read it I’m sorry ;(

Hi guys! Sorry I took so long I was rereading so I could get my facts straight so here we go~
so lemme fix the mistake I made. I had said previously that the two dukes offered her the prey. WELP THEY DID NOT, they only stared at her but said nothing (like the fuck ;-;) BUT I WAS CORRECT THAT WIZARD DUDE (his names vuinter ;D) did offer her his prey and even gave her a kiss on the hand to show kindness. Of course our girl was like I DONT WANT THISS, but she accepted cause of affection points although she said she wanted to cry ;) then the prince wins 2nd place in the hunt and decides to also give it to her, and at this point she just accepts all depressed cause she was trying to lay low but she couldn’t. Everyone’s getting curious as of how won 1st place cause the crown prince has won the last couple of years, AND IMAGINE THE SUPRISE WHEN THEY FOUND IT WAS PENN! everyone was like gAsP what like believe it bitches ;-; but yeah basically she won lady of the hunt so congrats to my girl but she’s all worried. SO SHE GOES UP TO GET THE PRIZE AND THE PRIZE MONEY IS A WHOLE DUCKING 100 MILLION (the amount of anime I could watch off that) so of course she takes it. Then she makes eye contact with all of the male leads (minus knight guy) so here lemme give u a recap~
Crown Prince Affection: 45%
Wizard Guy Affection (Vuinter): 44%
1st Duke (Derek) Affection: 32%
2nd Duke (Leonard) Affection: 40%
She then thought to herself ion need no man (like u go girl) and then she said, “hunting a bear, was no big deal, next time I’ll hunt something even better” and everyone went all gAsP like yes she a strong one ;) anyways we skip to when she’s in the carriage on her way back to the dukes house and Emily is all excited cause she won and is pumping her up (honestly an adorable sight who could have ever thought how far Emily would come?) Anyways the finally arrive home and the butler is begging her to explain who all of this hunt belongs to and of course she goes MEEE I WON DUDE. so yeah he’s all surprised but she just tells them to skin the animals (to make faNcY coats and scarfs, etc. for the male leads and for her) and then she gets her treasure (all them gold money) and she’s just laying on it like in duck tails all MY MONEYY SHOOWEERRR! then leonard decides to disturb and go all, sO wE havIng dinner TOGETEHR and ur acting like a child (like sir excuse u leave) and she’s so happy she doenst even care until he mentions the family dinner she goes all- wat did u just say. he then goes to explain she has to go, and she just has this face is disgust like dang it cause during the hunt she was in the palace so she didn’t have to see them but now she does. So she lies, doesn’t work well and she ends up having to go. With a big sigh she gets up, and then leo has to open his big mouth and see “we wanted to give it to u.” Confused, she stares at him. “We wanted to give u our hunt but we aren’t allowed to, families can’t give each other their hunt” meaning he thought she was mad about that like BUAHAHAHAH REALLY? dumbass :3 but anyways she goes like “yeah no dude that’s not it” and of course he doesn’t believe it so he just explains more like dude shut up- but then pen goes I donT caRe so he’s like “well I could have gotten a beast but because of someone-“ so basically he hunted the rabbit that pen in the beginning, when she was hunting in the easy forest and ended up in the hard forest where the whole bear and assassins problems started, so he got that for her. Oddly sweet but stil the hell?? She decided she still wasn’t gonna go and just fell asleep with the money (the amount of money she has th :0). NEXT MORNINGG, she wakes up and she’s all worked up to go see knight guy (ECKLISS IS HIS NAME) and so she goes. of course it starts raining on her way (does eckliss have magic rain powers or what :0) but she still goes to see him. Of course he’s still training in the rain but he’s doing it wrong cause no one wants to train him (bastards ;-;) and so he can kill people but not prOperLy. she makes sure he won’t put the sword next to her neck and almost stab her (she’s careful after that last time of course) and then she says hi. HE TURNS AORUND AND GOES “MASTER?” And just stares with his puppy dog eyes getting bigger by the second. His affection points are 69% meaning he is the highest :3 okay so she goes on to say here u go, and gives him a case but he hesitates cause he doesn’t wanna get her previous hand wet (I swear he’s like a little baby I love him :3) but she forces him to accept it. ITS A WHOLE DUCKING EXPENSIVE JEWEL ARMOR WITH TIGER SKIN LIKE IT PRICELESS- but she gives it to him. He starts going all its too much, but she explains how his clan (capria, the ones talented at swords and fighting that are now hunted for in case u don’t remember:D) used ivory for its highest warriors and that it was an honor for him, being a part of that clan, to wear it. So of course he accepts it and gives her a kiss on the hand and is so happy (also says thank u master) AND AUDBAJDBHSBDHS GUESS WHAT? SHES DONE IT! 77% AFFECTIOONNNN! after 70% is reached it will no longer be shown on top of their head th :0 and I’ll post the next summary after I binge read it I’m sorry ;(

okay dokie here u go~
I’m back bACk. so I’m gonna try to write everyday I’m sorry I fail to do so DONT HURT ME PLEASE :( Okay soo we left off with our knight (Eckliss) getting to 77%! So then she gets all excited but then it says [Now in order to check the % of love u must pay 2 million or 200 popularity points]. For recap, she has 400 popularity points in total and 100 million she got from the hunt. So he has 52 chances to check. She gets really mad at that (HONESTLY WHAT A SCAM 2 MILLION?!) but she tries it out on eckliss and he’s now 78%. She’s super pissed th, so she tries to brush it off and leave but then he stares at her in the pouring rain eyes wide open, “this can’t be all” CAUSE HES FALLENNN. but she’s just mad so she smiles and convinces him then she leaves. She immediately stops smiling and runs to check the money and sure enough, it’s less. (Mother fudgers-) so pen is already in a bad mood but then the butler comes in all “uR faMilY inViteD you for dinner say” like oh the ones that bullied her how nice. ANYWAYS pen isn’t taking it so she tries to trick the butler all “are you surreeee” but yeah the butler goes “yep the duke wanted to see you.” She says and asks him to bring her a light meal and the butler goes “but why if ur about to have dinner” she says so I don’t starve :3 {in case u don’t remeber the past chef made my girl pen starve so yeah what a bitchy chef she got fired and hated, what can I say pen gets her revenge and I love it. So basically she playing the butler by reminding him of how she was abused like well played pen.} Then he goes impossible so she goes how do u know, and he explains that while they were in the hunt the duke gave orders to fire EVERYONE in the kitchen for trying to abuse pen (sadly too late dude ;-;). OKAY HERES WHERE I GOT PISSED. so she says okay (she’s a little surprised th cause wow everyone be fired) and so I’ll go downstairs and the butler says “no it’s being held in the greenhouse.” Pen is so surprised when he says this. NOW LEMME EXPLAIN WHY THIS IS BULLSHIT AND WHY PEN WHY SHOCKED. U see, the duke controlled pen and wouldn’t let her go into places (like the attic for example) because they held memories of either the duchess (dead) or the lost daughter (original mc but nothing is known about her yet). The greenhouse was the most treasured so pen WASNT allowed at all SO FOR HIM TO PLAN TO LET HER SEE ALL THE FLOWERS BLOOM IN THE GREENHOUSE SHE WAS NEVER ALLOWED TO GO IN IS BULLLSHITT. TAHTS why pen becomes all surprised and annoyed but she gives up and decides to fake being happy and follow the butler to the greenhouse...
The greenhouse is beautiful :3 so she enters and sits down, Leonard (second brother) is about to start an argument but stops midway and nobody screams or corrects her for being hella late {I mean she didn’t even wanna show up sooo} and they sit down. She stares at Leonards gauge (above his hair) but gets caught and says she was looking at the flowers. I mean the whole dinner was kinda awkward :0 pen just stared, the duke was like what is it. at the end th it’s gets good. Pen starts to try and leave and the dukes like “ur only eating that much” and she has this cold smile cause the og pen starved herself almost everyday ;-; anyways to the important part. he explains that he has invited a very well known painter to pairing a portrait of the whole family for pens birthday.
HER BIRTHDAY. JABXKSBXJS. BAD NEWSSSS! why? that’s when the original male lead, blood sister and daughter of the duke ARRIVES. basically um certain death time! or is it ;)
[to be continued while I read the next 5 chapters ;) I’ll try to shorten it up so every chapter isn’t a whole note I’ll try to make 5 chapter=1 summary]
If you read the novel could you write spoilers please ??
Someone spoiled that the prince is the end game and he's the best out of them all
So could you tell us what's gonna happen