honestly solo leveling is kinda getting boring for me. I know SOOOO many people who give it bias because they also read the novel, but it lacks a bit of worthwhile drama. When the main character enters a fight, I already know the outcome... and usually in those instances, aside from twisting the fight and making the character lose, maybe the win comes with a great cost, like losing an eye.... a limb? someone they love dies.. etc etc.. but solo leveling hasn't really added anything to detriment the character at all...
so... a korean gangster... is being saved by a christian angel... but he's probably no christian AT ALL considering he probably has no idea who satan is and confused it with candy(satang). He's got a new lease on life and now he's gonna play the blame game?
I know this story is probably a guilty pleasure isekai read, but it's also lowkey dumb imo.