
What the heck is going on with Keiichi! Why is she keeping Keichi's weird connection a secret for seven chapters- I'm sure there's a reason for all of this but to end chapter 7 on that note sucks. Also I wish keichi and shingo worked on their communication as a couple...there fights always end up this way.

She's awesome, so lets thank the queen for her Chinese-English translating skill!
SuzukiLina's translations on Chapters 3-7 (not my work, ALL CREDITS GOES TO HER)
Chapter 3
The raws are in actually in chinese. So I can read it. In chapter 4, the following happened:
1) New guy, Angelo appears and told Kagami he enjoyed the other night and invited Kagami out again, just the 2 of them. (At this part, others couldn't understand what is Angelo saying as he's a foreigner and he's speaking in English. Only Kagami can understand what he says) Angelo then proceed to invite Shingo too but Kagami cut him off saying he doesn't understand and he's not related to the work. Kagami then proceeds to cancel his eating out plans with Shingo and says "You've worked hard"
2) Shingo wonders why did Kagami told him "You've worked hard". At this point, Masayan ask Shingo what was wrong with Kagami and if that was English. He also does not understand what Kagami & Angelo were talking about. Shingo then says "That was suppose to be mine"
3) Masayan then invites Shingo to go for a drink or dinner at his home but Shingo chose neither as he thinks Kagami will come back soon. However, Kagami message him that he will be back late (again) Shingo was infuriated and thought he might have done something to make him to be hated.
4) Over at the bar, Kagami received a message from Shingo saying "You've worked hard". When Kagami saw the reply, he proooobably knows Shingo is angry at him? Anyway, Angelo & Kagami talks and then Angelo wants Kagami to call him "Angel" (short form, nickname) But Kagami doesn't want to. Then Angelo reveals he's a bisexual, he likes both males and females, humans and cats. Just like Kagami (how?) But he loves films the most, sex is 2nd. Then he asks Kagami if he prefers to embrace him (Angelo) or to be embraced (uke or seme, choose 1!)
5) Switching back to Shingo, he realized Kagami is gone for the whole night again. Then he received a call from Kagami's brother to go to his house. Apparently, he moved house. He needed to be in Japan longer and it's not too accessible to stay in a hotel. So he got a house. Shingo then asks why he chose to stay so close to their house (2 minutes walk away) The guy got shy and said it was a coincidence and his management company owns this property. Anyway, the point of Shingo's visit was to take care of Rio while they move the stuff around. It's too dangerous for Rio to be around while they are moving.
6) So proceeding to 2nd floor, Rio didn't want Shingo to read him books or take an afternoon nap with him. He wants Shingo to transform but no matter what, Shingo doesn't want to. Shingo then thought that he doesn't want Rio to use the exact same face as Kagami and pout at him, to want to be spoiled. Rio then ask Shingo where is Kei-chan. Knowing Kei-chan is working and might not be coming over, Rio is happy that has Shingo all to himself. Then Rio told Shingo Kei-chan came over the other day to give the souvenirs and even asked Daddy (Kagami's brother) for a favour. Rio has no idea what this favour is. Shingo is kind of shocked Kagami will ask his brother for a favour. After that, Rio fell asleep & Shingo came downstairs.
7) Seeing Kagami's brother unpacking stuff, Shingo comments that he didn't think he will do this kinds of things too (normal stuff, he's rich, remember?) Then Kagami's brother says he knows how to do such basic stuff too and he plans to do house chores himself. Though he has never done them before. He doesn't want people to intrude in their 3-people world. (Rio, himself, and that servant guy) Then Shingo says that he didn't even want to leave their house previously. Kagami's brother says there's a reason for it. Servant guy comes out and told Kagami's brother to rest but he insisted he does the rest himself. Servant guy comments that recently he wants to do most stuff himself. Kagami's brother then told him to shut up. Servant guy then told him not to overwork himself and kiss him. Then Kagami's brother remembered Shingo was still there and got kind of embarrassed and chase Servant guy away to rest.
8) Thennn, they start drinking tea and bro (I got tired typing Kagami's brother) ask Kagami's whereabouts. Then he told Shingo, 1 of the reason for asking him over is for him to take care of Rio. The other, he wanted to ask Shingo how they (Kagami & Shingo) plans it. Shingo mistakenly thought he meant the number of times they have sex in a week (5 days) but he's actually asking how they split the housework. Since he's living with Servant guy, he couldn't really ask him to do all the household chores. So he wants some reference from Shingo's experience with living with Kagami. So he explains that they don't really split who does what. They just do when they thought of it. Up till that moment, Kagami usually is the one who does the household chores during his free time. But if he got busy, Shingo will take over and do the chores. And said "Isn't that normal?", just like how bro told the tea pouring chore from servant guy. Shingo thought he was saying some conceited stuff. Then he turned around and asked what kind of favour did Kagami wants with his brother. Bro ask him where he heard from and there was no such thing and Rio most probably heard it wrong. He then chase Shingo home.
9) Shingo is really angry that the guy chase him off so quickly and he even thought he might have a cute side but he's still the same. He got back home and realized Kagami is home. Sitting at the bedside he started thinking how he said some conceited stuff to his brother but right now, he's thinks he's slightly angry at Kagami. Then he says to Kagami, "Don't tell me stuff like you've worked hard. Treating me like an employee, and even canceling our plans together. I know that there's no choice in the matter." Then he thought to himself again "Just why, this feeling...". He continues talking "And you even let the other party touch you, who does that foreigner think he is". Kagami then woke up and kiss him but Shingo bit him back telling him not to kiss him with his mouth full of alcohol smell. - See more at:
Chapter 4:
Back in chapter 3, Kagami kissed Shingo and Shingo bit him. Shingo told him not to kiss him when his mouth stinks of alcohol. Then Kagami find it excessive of Shingo to bite him. His breathe does not really stinks that badly of alcohol. He then ask Shingo what exactly did he smell. Shingo then tells him that he smells someone else. (He didn't state where) Kagami then tells Shingo that he was with that foreigner for the whole night and had accompany to many shops (probably bars) Shingo then asks if they did 'it'. Kagami smile slightly and Shingo ask if there is something weird about the question. Kagami apologises and Shingo scolded him for laughing. Kagami pulls him and told him because he was worrying over the impossible and that caused him to laugh and he feels sorry for laughing. Kagami then tells him that he won't sleep with anyone else besides Shingo. That he has no interest in anyone else other than Shingo. Shingo then replies "...who knows..."
Sex scene begins & Kagami says he finds Shingo who was feeling jealous for his sake was very cute. Shingo then says that he wasn't feeling jealous! Then Kagami ask him if they can start to do things that should be done at night (sex hahaha) In Shingo's mind, he starts to learn the feeling of jealousy. "I see, so this is jealousy? Feeling unsettled, anxious and yet feeling so powerless against reason. The heart understands it very well. But I don't want him to know of such hateful feelings. But I'm sure, everything has been seen through by him"
Kagami then asks Shingo what other things is he thinking of. Shingo denies thinking of something else and told Kagami to talk less and to hurry up. Kagami then told Shingo how he still his behind to climax today (>///<) and how usually when he puts it in, Shingo is about to climax. Kagami then ask what's wrong and if anything had happened. He also wants to know where Shingo had gone just now. Shingo knows he's being difficult but he feels comforted knowing he is wanted so badly. Shingo then tells him he will explain himself later. He couldn't hold it anymore and wants to come. (I'm not translating the embarrassing parts >///< it's just Shingo begging Kagami. Anyway...) Shingo thoughts: "It's not that I want to be treated roughly. It's just that this scent smells different from usual. It doesn't matter if it's wine or someone else's scent. Those things doesn't matter anymore. The usual scent of Kagami invading me. I couldn't smell it. Kagami scent, Why is his scent so mild?"
Kagami is surprise that that his brother had moved house. Shingo then explains the entire story to him. (Read above translation to find out what happen) Kagami then asks him some questions like why 2 mins away? ("I already said it's a coincidence") why is his house so near ("I don't know") Shingo then states that he's tired and has no energy to answer his questions and that he should ask his brother directly. Kagami then ask if he was bullied by him. He explains that his brother didn't do anything besides treating him to tea and snacks. They even talk a lot like number of times they had sex (lol) how household chores were split up. (Kagami feels confused at this point "Sex? Household chores?") He comments their relationship doesn't seems bad. Shingo then asks him if he feels tired. Kagami was confused about his question and ask him what did Shingo mean. Shingo then frowns and turn away from him and apologize, saying it was nothing. He feels very tired today and he's going to sleep a little. Kagami doesn't ask anymore and wish him a good night and leaves the room. Shingo then reassures himself that he shouldn't worry about being unable to smell much of Kagami's scent. It could have been because he was too tired working that had caused it. Though he isn't sure of the exact details of his jobs. He continues reassuring himself that it's possible for his scent to change due to his body condition.
During work, Shingo asks Masayan on what to do when someone feels sick. ("Eat meat? Garlic? Or something else?") Masayan asks him if Kagami was not feeling well. Shingo said he's not talking about him. Though Masayan says there was no one else Shingo will worry about and informs him it's better not to eat meat if he's having a cold. Shingo tells him it's not a cold, he's just kinda not feeling energetic. Masayan then misunderstands and thought Kagami wasn't able to have sex with him (due to being tired) and suggest him to go to a hospital (lol again) not that he can go that easily because he's a celebrity. Then Shingo got angry and said "That's not it!!"
After work, Masayan asks Shingo to give his regards to Kagami and to take care. Shingo continues to tell him it's not what he think it is. Thennnnn, big brother appears again! He says, I quote "What a coincidence" (They are currently at the filming studio's car park) Shingo asks "How is that a coincidence, you think I will believe you?" and big brother blushes here. Big brother says he has some business with Shingo and ask him to get in the car. Shingo wants to know what it is about ("Taking care of Rio again? Isn't Takizawa looking after him?") (Side comments: "Stop talking and get in the car" "What? Then about my bike?" "Just put it anywhere") Big brother apologises for being so sudden but Masayan doesn't mind.
In the car, Shingo asks him what he wants. He could've called first instead of coming to the studio without telling him. Big brother then asks him isn't his work done for the day? Shingo answers that though he is done with work for the day, there are times when it is inconvenient for him. Big brother asks if there's somewhere he has to be. Shingo says it's nothing important. Just that he needs to make a trip to the supermarket. Then big brother said: "Supermarket...?"
Back to Kagami and Angelo, Angelo says it's his first time in Japan and he finds the country interesting. There's no rubbish, there's no criminals on street. The food is nice, and there's also Kagami. Even though he’s not being cute at all, showing his unwillingness on his face. But he's happy Kagami is accompanying him. But unfortunately, it will be nice if Kagami can play with him on the bed. Kagami tells him to stop it and don't make this kind of jokes, that it is not funny at all. Angelo laughs and says his personality sure is bad, just like his brother. Apparently, Kagami doesn't know Angelo knows his brother. Angelo explains his brother and him used to be classmates, and it's 1 of the reason he is looking for Kagami. The other reason was he wanted to make use of his popularity as the No.1 actor to help him with his career in Japan, a grand project to make it successful. Angelo asks Kagami if that is ok, since he has such an amazing background. "Looks, awful personality, background. All these are your important weapons. Come with me, Kagami. To America." - See more at:
chapter 5
Chapter 5 translation! I just realized all this time, Angelo called Kagami by his first name, "Keiichi". I just kept using Kagami... I'm being a lazy translator haha so I'll check properly this time! Oh and Keiichi's big bro's name is Yuujin. Yeah... just decided to check =X I don't think it was mentioned in earlier chapters? Erm and...that guy from the main house that's living with Yuujin? His name is Takamizawa. Sorry for getting all the names wrong...*cries*
This chapter continues with Angelo asking Kagami to go to America with him. Kagami then quotes stuff Angelo said: "Looks, awful personality, background, all this huh...?" Kagami thinks Angelo thinks very highly of him and hearing it from him doesn't make him happy. Then he asks Angelo what about acting skills and character compatibility, if there were secondary, director? Angelo replies that those are required too but his invitation is built on these. Even hired directors also wants to direct a good movie. Kagami ask him, a hired director, if it is okay for him to use such a nameless celebrity like him. Angelo replies that even as a hired director, he still has that much authority for this kind of thing. Angelo then ask him to please participate in his film. Then he gets close to Kagami and kissed him (nooooo) Then he asks for his answer, either a yes or a no.
"The sleeping little rabbit's long, long ears wriggle a little. The little porcupine felt relieved when he sees that the quills on his back were not standing up. It then closes its eyes again and buried his head on the little rabbit's fluffy tummy. The fluffy fur makes the little porcupine's nose feels very itchy. It couldn't hold it in anymore and sneezes" Takamizawa then closes the book and says that he had finish reading it. Rio then excitedly ask him to read another book. Takamizawa felt annoyed and said that he has already read that book twice to him. Rio says he really like this book and hurries him up to read the book to him. Rio also says that Shingo will always read no matter how many times he had done reading it. The doorbell rings and enter Yuujin (Big bro) and Shingo. Rio jumps on Yuujin and welcomes him back. Yuujin then ask if Rio was good while he was at home. Rio replies yes and Takamizawa was playing with him. Then Rio saw Shingo and immediately jumps him. "It's Shingo!" which caused the grocery bags to be dropped.
Yuujin and Shingo then goes to the kitchen and cook. They had to cook omelette rice too because the eggs broke when the bag drop (They're also cooking steak) And since they're cooking omelette rice too, Shingo can help to cook. Yuujin then says "...Japanese cuisine, wonder what it'll be like" Then Shingo says that's not it. That is also western cuisine, just that it has a much simpler way of cooking it. Shingo comments that Kagami is very good at cooking it.
Shingo then asks him again why did he (Yuujin) wants with him. Yuujin says it's nothing special, he just wants to thank him for helping with their move and Rio's requests. Also, since they're living close by, it wouldn't be bad if they eat a meal together. Then in the mini panel, Shingo asks him if he has ever cook before. Yuujin then says he has never cooked before but he should be ok! Since he has checked the recipe before. (He's cracking eggs, but the egg shells keep going into the bowl) Rio pops in, feeling curious about what they are doing then clings onto Shingo and asks what they are cooking. Shingo answers omelette rice and ask if Rio has ate it before. He answers no and Shingo says it's really delicious and daddy is cooking hamburger. Rio then excitedly chants "Omelette rice! Omelette rice! It smells so nice!" Meanwhile, daddy Yuujin is sulking at the side, he wants Rio to come over and ask him instead. Shingo then says " that so? Don't play around in the kitchen. It's dangerous here. Go over there and wait obediently" and Rio answers ok and went off. Then Shingo thinks of "Taste/Scent". Then Yuujin ask "Even though we have cooked a meal together, are you sure you don't want eat before you go?" Shingo declines his offer to stay and eat dinner together ask he has already plans to cook dinner for Keiichi. Then he says bye to Rio. But Rio shakes his head while hiding behind his father. Then Shingo asks Yuujin if there were any times when he felt the "taste/scent" becoming mild or disappearing. Yuujin then ask "Taste? Do you have a cold? Hurry and go to a hospital". Shingo says it's not that, it's's scent. (Rio is still feeling upset Shingo is leaving) Yuujin understands what he meant and replies that he experienced that before. "When there's no interest, and the meaning to reject, then you will not emit any scent. The scent reflects the heart. If there are changes in heart, the scent will change too."
Back home, Shingo sits on the sofa and Kagami comes back. He says he's back and apologizes for coming back home late. He informs that he had sent a message to his phone and if Shingo has seen it. Then he notices the omelette rice and asks if Shingo had waited for him after making dinner. He added if Shingo has not eaten dinner yet, they can eat it together? Shingo then grabs his shirt and motion to kiss him but Kagami turns his head and avoided it. Kagami apologizes and says that he wants to shower first. He then requests Shingo to heat up the food. Then Kagami says that he did not drink any alcohol today. Shingo then starts thinking: "There was a time when something similar had happened. At that time, we were doing intense sex, but he did not kiss me. And there no was scent emitted."
Kagami comes out from the shower and felt sorry for keeping Shingo waiting. Then he realizes Shingo is not in the living room but he saw the omelette rice with the word "Keiichi" written on it. He then goes to the bedroom and asks Shingo to listen to him. "Listen to me, Shingo. There's an overseas movie job that had invited me. Though I feel hesitant, but I have decided to accept it. I think I might need to stay there for half a year. If longer, maybe 1 year." Shingo ask is it the foreigner from before that had invited and Kagami confirms it. Shingo then says "Is that so? Isn't that amazing?" Then in Shingo's mind, he thinks, "Kagami, you, did you notice? You totally did not emit any scent at all. That scent when you crave for me." (Black boxes from 20-21) The conversation between Shingo & Kagami follows:
S: What kind of movie is it?
K: Sorry, that's a secret.
S: Is that the so called confidentiality?
K: Yes...guess so...sorry. Shingo. During this short period, can you be a good kid and look after the house?
(Page 22) S: ...Ok. Do your best.
Shingo is disappointed, thinking "He did not ask me to go with him." Shingo then remembers Yuujin's words, "The scent reflects the heart." So Shingo thinks "If the scent disappears, then that means that right?"
Next day at work, Shingo is distracted. Masayan asks him what is wrong. Shingo comments, "...Even though it's such a huge background, removing them only takes a moment." Shingo then thinks "Why? Did I do something? But even if I know the reason now, it's useless." Shingo reaches home and says "I'm home..." then he finds Kagami packing his stuff. Shingo asks if he is packing his luggage. Kagami welcomes Shingo back home. He tells Shingo though there's not a lot of things to bring over there, but because of the procedures, meetings and the likes, he will need to go out often. So he has to pack his luggage earlier. Kagami then grabs him and asks if he will feel lonely. Then Kagami goes ".......want to go with me?" He smiles, but somehow, Shingo finds that it's kind of late of him to ask. (Really? Why did you take so long between informing him of the move and asking him? Anyway...)
(Page 28)
Shingo: ...You, do you really have to pack your luggage now? I want to do it. Let's do it?
(Page 29)
K: ...What wrong? So sudden.
S: We can't do it even if we want to in the future.
K: Wait...whoa!
S: Before you go, remember my scent. - See more at:
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 translation! Read on! Do note I won't do those sex scenes sounds translation! Oh, and sorry if I keep changing translation format!
In the last chapter, Shingo ask Kagami to have sex because he feels like doing it and they won't have chance to do it anymore once Kagami is at America.
This chapter begin with Shingo telling Kagami to remember his scent before he goes to America. In his thoughts, he starts to wonder how did Kagami smells like. He couldn't remember it anymore and he wants to recall it. ("How does this guy smells again? I can't recall it anymore. I want to recall it") Kagami then calls out to Shingo.
(Colored page)
Right to left text, starting from Shingo's forearm area:
The very first thing that invaded my body,
was neither your tongue,
nor your finger, and definitely not your lower body.
It was your scent.
But that scent has already, disappeared.
Black box: It's ok even if you forget my scent.
(Continuing on...)
While Shingo kisses Kagami, he starts sniffing Kagami. Shingo wonders if there was any point to them having sex even though there was no scent. After some...piercing... Kagami calls out to Shingo and offers to help Shingo with his butt because he's not used to doing it. But Shingo doesn't want to. Kagami says it's not that Shingo doesn't want to, changing another way of saying it... he wants to do it for Shingo. Shingo insisted that he doesn't want Kagami to do it and even whacks his hand away.
Shingo looks depressed and Kagami somehow noticed it. Kagami then tightens his hold around Shingo's waist and does it for Shingo anyway. (Doing his butt) Shingo told him to wait but Kagami says, "You're the one who wants me to remember Shingo's scent, so don't always say no, don't want. If you don't let me touch you properly, it might be possible that I will forget your scent?" Shingo then goes, "...I don't care. It doesn't matter if you forget." Kagami then grabs him and flipped him around, pressing him into the bed and looks at him. He lightly bump his forehead against Shingo's and says, "I was just joking. How could I ever forget Shingo's scent?" (Shingo doesn't look impressed) Kagami continues, "Before this, there were times where I had to go for outdoor filming and was not home for a long period of time. And I even plan to try and make time to come back home often to see you. This time will also be the same." So after showering Shingo with kisses, he caress Shingo's cheeks and tells him "Don't show me such a lonely expression." Shingo denies it, but Kagami insisted that Shingo did and started kissing him again. Shingo then tells him again that he is not feeling lonely. Kagami then goes, "Really? But I'll feel very lonely though?"
Some staring happen between them then Shingo smiles (not the good kind) and he laughs. Shingo says "You're the one who decides to go", then Kagami cuts in and says, "Even if that's the case" then he was cut off and push away by Shingo "What are you talking about? Stop talking and hurry up and let's do it. Hurry up and put it in. Cum inside as much as you want." (Trembling here and there...)
After hearing that, Kagami got pissed and start doing it rough with Shingo. Shingo keeps telling him "No", "Don't" and "Wait". (And the usual hmms and ahhs, skip 2 pages where there's conversation again)
Shingo then tells him that it hurts and he's being rough. He repeats to Kagami again that he's being too rough. Kagami then says "Originally, I wanted to be gentle with you. But you had to be so reckless and stir me up. How stupid of you." (He probably meant it in a sexual way?) Kagami looks sad and Shingo looks a little blank? Then Shingo says "Because...there's no more scent..." (Which shock Kagami) Shingo continues, "You're not emitting any scent. There used to be a very sweet and strong scent. But now, there's nothing. That...that is to say... once you've lost interest, the scent will disappear along with it. You have lost interest in me. Isn't that what's happening?" (Kagami is stunned and still inside of him while he is saying that...haha sorry I have to point that out! =P)
Shingo then got up and continues "Even if you plan to use your acting skills to deceive me" He pulls out from Kagami at this point. "But, by smelling, I can sense it." More staring and Kagami looks sad. Kagami then says "Not...emitting any scent?" His mouth open slightly and ask, "Why...?"
Shingo then yelled at him, "How would I know that! Either you've lost interest or you've gotten tired of me, you should know!" Kagami then says, "What are you talking about? The problem is...the one who feels the scent. Losing interest or getting tired of it...That person...Shingo, it's you."
(Things are getting technical here, I'll try my best to translate)
Kagami: "No matter how much hormones filled with love I emit, whether you can experience the 'good scent', this kind of feeling is based on the one who feels it. That's what other people have told me...And from Shingo's body, this is the first time I've ever experience it"
(Next page)
Text (Not sure who says this, probably Kagami): "Is that so? That there is no scent anymore." Then Kagami grab and hugs Shingo.
Kagami then ask Shingo, "Did I do something to you, Shingo? Do you hate me? That's not it, after all, the scent has disappeared. (Next page) Do you not care for your feelings towards me anymore? ...Or is it, my feelings still could not reach you after all?" And so... the sex continues... Kagami continues, "In the end, you're just like you were when we first met, when you couldn't trust me? Is that it, Shingo?"
(Flips page again)
Kagami: "Though it doesn't matter anymore. Whether it had happened in the past or just recently, I've already understand that you don't trust me."
(Next page, Kagami continues doing Shingo)
Kagami: "But even so, to me, Shingo's scent is just that sweet even now. My wanting to change your feelings has never change. No matter what Shingo thinks, it doesn't matter" (Shingo is still saying No and ahhs) And then Shingo turns and looks at him.
(Next page)
Kagami: "I'm sorry? Don't show such a frightened expression. Wasn't the one who initiatively seduced me, you?" (Continues With Shingo usual "No" and "Ahh") "Even if there's no scent,"
(Flips page)
Kagami: “without being aware of it, it will become comfortable, it will be no different like always. There won't be any problem."
Black boxes: There's, no scent emitted. Why is it so...?
(Next page)
Top black box: I'm not being afraid. It is also not possible for it to have no problems. It's just that everything you've said, I do not get it at all. (Suzuki: Yes, even I don't get it too)
Black box below: But, there's 1 thing that I do understand.
(Next page)
In this page, Shingo sits up on the bed and turn to look at Kagami. There's no conversation/thoughts in this page
(Next page)
Shingo reaches out and touch Kagami's right eye (They were closed and red)
Shingo: Your eyes, they're so red.
Then Kagami wakes up.
(Next page)
Kagami then grabs Shingo's chin.
Kagami: "...Good Morning" (Suzuki: Yeah right, we know what's going to happen next)
Shingo: "It just won't work."
(Last page)
Shingo: "I want to break up with you"
Yes, it's official, Shingo WANTS to breakup with him.
Oh and... I encourage reading all the chapters again when a fansub group puts up their translation. Because to be honest, I'm NOT that confident with my translation skills. I'm bad at choosing words sometimes haha but I try to keep close to the content! Anyway, translation MIGHT be lost since this was a Japanese -> Chinese -> English translation. So...yeah. Gentle reminder, please do read the chapters again when fansub group translations are out! Thanks! ^^ - See more at:
Chapter 7 Translation by SuzukiLina
October 15, 2015 3:29 pm
Please note translation is based on this link:
Last time on chapter 6, Shingo told Kagami that he wants to break up with him. By the way, I'm changing format again... In the end... I prefer translating every line instead of writing summary hahahaha because I'm bad at writing summaries!! sorry ._. someone can write the story summary on my behalf? =D <3 Oh, and all text in brackets are my thoughts/notes! It's not in the Chinese translation!
[Page 1]
Nothing important to translate
[Page 2]
Top bracket - But you're not emitting
Bottom bracket - any scent
[Page 3]
Text on right - I'm not interested in you
Text on left (Shingo body area) - Even if that's how you judge my feelings for you
[Page 4]
Top text - At this moment, your body still overflows with your scent
Bottom text - I've always thought, this is the last heaven (seventh heaven) I've always thought this place will never be destoryed. Up till just now.
[Page 5]
(Sex sounds at the top)
Bottom left box - He says I'm not emitting any scent. That made me so angry
[Page 6]
Top bottom (Hicky filled Shingo area) - I ended up saying some excessive things to him
Bottom box - But what I'm feeling now
Bottom link box - Is neither anger (top), nor sadness (bottom)
[Page 7]
Top right bubble - It just won't work
Text between bubble - I've never experience this feeling before. What exactly is it?
Bubble - I want to break up with you
[Page 8]
Text at bottom left corner hand - Puts down
[Page 9]
Bubble between Shingo & Kagami - Break up?
Bubble to the right - Do you know what are you saying?
[Page 10]
Bottom of the page right bubble - I know
Link bubble (top) - I've seriously considered it
Link bubble (bottom) - and have decided to break up
[Page 11]
Top right corner bubble - that so?
Bubble below - So you've considered it
Next box, bubble right of Kagami - And that's your conclusion after you've considered?
Bubble below - You just decided on it without discussing it with me
Bubble to the left - Do you think that I'll just accept it after you've phrase it that way?
Bubble below, right of Shingo - There's no choice after all
Bubble to the left - because you're not emitting any scent
[Page 12]
Bubble on right - Maybe I was mistaken?
Bubble on left - The person I like, is not you
Bubble below - ...besides
Link bubble (top) - you will need to keep going over there (Chinese translation didn't mention who needs to keep going over there, but I think Kagami fits the bill)
Link bubble (bottom) - Without you next to me, a person like me, will definitely do it (sex) with someone else
Bubble to the left - If we're gonna argue over having an affair, we might as well just break up
[Page 13]
Bubble on top right - Even though you've said before that this is all because I have never been able to truly trust you
Link bubble (top) - or maybe
Link bubble (bottom) - I'm unable to trust myself
Next link bubble (top) – Sorry
Link bubble (bottom) - I hate troublesome things
[Page 14]
Top link bubble (right) - ...before you go over there
Link bubble (left) - I'll move out from here
Bottom link bubble (top) - ...this time
Link bubble (bottom) - Shingo is the one who abandoned me
[Page 15]
Nothing to translate (Yay! I mean...cough cough I was joking...)
[Page 16]
Text above plant - Close door
Text above Kagami's head - Lies down
Text in box - Even if I asked
[Page 17]
Top right corner box - He will not tell me the real reason why he wants a break up
Box to left - These, I could still understand
(Yes! Emo Kagami!! Me liekz cough cough)
Bottom right corner box - I don't want to forcefully question him
Box to left - or persuade him to stay
[Page 18]
Top right corner box - I've
Text between 2 boxes - Though it doesn't matter anymore
Box - said some excessive things to him again
Bubble to the left - Doesn't matter anymore...
Mini bubble below - huh?
Remaining chinese text - Tick tock tick tock (Sounds of clock ticking)
[Page 19]
Only bubble in page - So tired
[Page 20]
Text in top frame - Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (They're swooning, I thought they were laughing...)
Bubble between 2 boxes - With this, the contract has been sealed officially
(Kagami signed his name, Kagami Keiichi, on the paper)
Bubble - Please take care of me (He's saying Yoroshiku)
Bubbly bubble below - Please take care of me (Same, Yoroshiku <3, dammit Angelo!)
[Page 21]
Bubble - ......
Next bubble - Please take care of me
Text - Grabs (To be honest, I don't know this chinese word, but we know what Angelo did)
Next text - Supports
[Page 22]
Big text between - (No idea, I think it's the sfx for squeezing his face)
Bubble below Angelo - I'm speaking in Japanese specially for you. Why aren't you correcting me?
Bubble below Kagami - I'm so sorry but I'm not that intelligent
Bubble - No~way~ I won't forgive you
Text above the old guys - Oh my, their relationship sure is good. Hahaha
Bubble below - As punishment, do me a favour
Bubble in next box - Can you help me contact your brother?
Bubble right of Angelo - I've sent some messages to him before but he has never replied to any of them
Bubble in between - It's a rare that we're all in Japan. I want to meet him.
Bubble to the left - I don't really mind
Chinese text above hand - Kiss <3
[Page 23]
Top link bubble (top) - Because brother is very busy
Link bubble (bottom) - I will just let Takamizawa know of it first
Text to the left, same frame - Eh?
Next box, top right bubble - No, that's
Bubble below - If possible, why not directly with Yuujin (Kagami's brother)
Next bubble - It's still the same no matter who I tell
Next box, shouting bubble top - It's not the same!!
Bubble below - Are you listening? Keiichi!
Bubble below - Wait!!
Text next to Kagami - President, Michishige-san (Manager), let's go
Manager - Whoa, what's wrong?
Text near K
- See more at:
Text next to Kagami - President, Michishige-san (Manager), let's go
Manager - Whoa, what's wrong?
Text near Kagami's hands - Wave, wave
Link bubble (top) - Michishige-san
Link bubble (bottom) - I would like you to help me book a hotel
Centre box - I thought I've already decided to do it myself
Box on left - yet it feels like someone else's matter
[Page 24]
Bubble between Shingo & Kagami - Welcome back
Next box, top right corner bubble - ...oh
Bubble to the left - You're late today
Bubble to the left - I came back after eating dinner at Masa's
Bubble to the left - that so?
Text next to feet - Step up (to the platform)
Link bubble (top) - That's great
Link bubble (bottom) - You still know how to return home
[Page 25]
Bubble below Shingo - ...after all, I still have not begin to look for other rental rooms.
Next bubble - You don't need to look for a house
Link bubble (top) - Anyway, I'm leaving Japan this week
Link bubble (bottom) - Before I leave, I'll be staying at the hotel. So Shingo can live here.
(Note: The bubble is pointing at Shingo, but it's actually Kagami who is saying the above lol)
Next link bubble (top) - Are you stupid?
Link bubble (bottom) - How can I do that?
[Page 26]
Sfx next to helmet - Thud!
Sfx between Shingo & Kagami - Bang
Bubble to the right - I'm going to ask you one last time
Bottom left corner bubble - What's the reason for breaking up with me?
[Page 27]
Kagami bubble - Because you hate it that I'm leaving here for filming?
Next bubble - Or is it because you don't like me going with Angelo to drink after work?
Bubble below - ...Scent
Next bubble - Is it because I said that it doesn't matter even if there's no scent emitted?
Side bubble - Argh
[Page 28]
Top link bubble (top) - You're annoying!
Link bubble (bottom) - Also your stalker like behaviour!
Right link bubble (left) - There's no other reasons
Link bubble (right) - It's just like what I said this morning
Left link bubble (left) - Towards you, I've already....
Link bubble (right) - Argh
[Page 29]
Link bubble - D..Don't
Next link bubble - Ah (left) huu (right)
Bubble below - Don't
Next bubble – Hnn
Next bubble – Haa
(Shingo being sexy as heck)
[Page 30]
Bubble – Hurts
Text below – Bites
Text in next box – Lick
Bubble below - I did love you, Shingo
[Page 31]
Bubble - But I will break up with you
Link bubble (top) - ...You have to live well
Link bubble (bottom) - I love you
[Page 32]
Text near door - Close door
Text in box - Had I known earlier
[Page 33]
Box at top right of page - I might as well just bite him to death and bring him over
Next box - But I love him too much
Next box - I definitely won't be able to do it?
- See more at: