ok y’all so naruse is pissing me off it was very very clear that when she said she didn’t care if he went to his ex she did care and naruse should understand that after being w her for so many years. also his ex is pissing me off idc anymore no matter how nice she is or what she’s going thru i understand wanting someone there for her when she needs someone but yuki has offered time and time again her support but instead she decides to inappropriately choose to call and lean on naruse constantly who has a girlfriend and her being his ex girlfriend ik for a fact that she is not unaware of how horrible yuki is feeling but she’s choosing to ignore it. i know some of y’all might say that she needs someone to lean on bc she has a fucked up life but there’s a big difference between that and what’s she doing w naruse bc she blushes and gets flustered and constantly brings up when they were together in almost every conversation they have when rlly it doesn’t need to be talked abt or cleared up bc it was years and years ago. naruse also, in the first place he only comforted her bc it reminded him of how alone and sad yuki was and now instead of comforting yuki by telling her simply that he was comforting her bc she reminded him of yuki then this all wouldn’t have happened and yuki wouldn’t be so upset as she is bc as she is feeling like shit naruse is getting jealous over hakamada when she is literally a manager for a BOYS basketball team she doesn’t do anything too overboard such as hugging him she simply talks to him and asks abt his injuries bc she’s the manager but as he’s being jealous over these silly things and getting mad at her for them he has the audacity to say it’s none of yukis business that he, her BOYFRIEND, hugged another girl?? when literally every time hakamada did something such as hug her or kiss her she’d tell him straight away out of guilt but he lied abt a hug when all he needed to do was tell her but while all of this is happening and he’s getting jealous of her fulfilling her job as manager he’s visiting his ex seeing full well how excited and flustered she gets and how she also brings up their past relationship. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
ok y’all so naruse is pissing me off it was very very clear that when she said she didn’t care if he went to his ex she did care and naruse should understand that after being w her for so many years. also his ex is pissing me off idc anymore no matter how nice she is or what she’s going thru i understand wanting someone there for her when she needs someone but yuki has offered time and time again her support but instead she decides to inappropriately choose to call and lean on naruse constantly who has a girlfriend and her being his ex girlfriend ik for a fact that she is not unaware of how horrible yuki is feeling but she’s choosing to ignore it. i know some of y’all might say that she needs someone to lean on bc she has a fucked up life but there’s a big difference between that and what’s she doing w naruse bc she blushes and gets flustered and constantly brings up when they were together in almost every conversation they have when rlly it doesn’t need to be talked abt or cleared up bc it was years and years ago. naruse also, in the first place he only comforted her bc it reminded him of how alone and sad yuki was and now instead of comforting yuki by telling her simply that he was comforting her bc she reminded him of yuki then this all wouldn’t have happened and yuki wouldn’t be so upset as she is bc as she is feeling like shit naruse is getting jealous over hakamada when she is literally a manager for a BOYS basketball team she doesn’t do anything too overboard such as hugging him she simply talks to him and asks abt his injuries bc she’s the manager but as he’s being jealous over these silly things and getting mad at her for them he has the audacity to say it’s none of yukis business that he, her BOYFRIEND, hugged another girl?? when literally every time hakamada did something such as hug her or kiss her she’d tell him straight away out of guilt but he lied abt a hug when all he needed to do was tell her but while all of this is happening and he’s getting jealous of her fulfilling her job as manager he’s visiting his ex seeing full well how excited and flustered she gets and how she also brings up their past relationship. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜