Reading the comment some of you are saying that he is not cheating because he only let tha...

Yuki November 8, 2015 4:12 am

Reading the comment some of you are saying that he is not cheating because he only let that guy kiss him or that his just going along with the guy for business....HELLO!!! he is in a relationship with Shingo kissing anyone other that him is cheating here and everywhere. Let just said we let that slip, for all the love he proclaims why the F doesn't he explain to his partner what is going on instead he making shingo suffer feel insecure and unloved. I dont know how sensei is going to fix this because all I want to do is slap Kagami right in the face and tell him to get his act together!!! and angelo and his 50 shades of gray can go and shove a dildo up his hole.

    Zuny November 8, 2015 12:10 pm

    Where did you read all of these? The most recent update just left me confuse