Please read this, dear newbie translators

Yuyu66 January 18, 2021 1:16 pm

For anyone who has idea to update chapters or new story, even if you're not a pro, do it right please. I know I'm not in the position to say this, but instead of wasting your time translating with half-ass effort, do it wholeheartedly. Name the page correctly, crop the picture nicely done, translating with app is okay but make it unquestionable and not just put everything what the app said, don't use picsart cause the resolution is worst ever, choose the right font. Aaaahhh please do it right, I'm not a pro either, but I'm a reader, and I want to make everyone who reads my translation satisfied too... please.

    Yuyu66 January 18, 2021 2:43 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Jazzin

    But most of translator team is not getting paid too tho? If you want to do something, don't make excuse such as "I'm a newbie". If you decided to translate, then do it right, learn, even if it means that you only capable to translate 1 chapter in 2 weeks with a good quality, then do so please. Be honest, you'd prefer a clean tranlation too right, easy to read, nice to see. If you have difficulties, ask help in topic column, I'm not saying that everyone will hepl out, we are lazy and stingy people after all that's looking for a free manga, but I'll say at least there will be 1 or 2 people to help. The readers are not blind tho? We can see which translator that cut the images carefully or not, that choose the good font or not. Once you decide to help, do it wholeheartedly, not just some "help". It's okay, I'm harsh too, and I can understand most of you feel offended by this, but at least one of you will mark my words, thanks.

    Yuyu66 January 18, 2021 2:51 pm

    Oh and I'm sorrry too if you guys feel that offended, but what I said is true tho, we are readers too afterall, we feel grateful for your kindness to update, but kindness alone is not enough....