I hate the main female characters

runawaypacman November 6, 2015 4:01 am

I thought I would love this series but i was wrong. Usagi was an unbearable protagonist constantly needing rescuing and her only motivation to better herself was to get the affection from a guy who doesn't even like her not to mention Usagi literally wants to marry Hanzo because he's hot. I find that his ass-hole-like tendencies outdid any positive qualities he might have (this includes his defining feature of "being hot"). Hanzo doesn't really have anything else going for him. Just looks. I seriously can sum him up as, "Hot guy, bit of jerk, he is only nice when he needs to remind the reader that he and Usagi are meant for each other. I was happy when Goemen punched Hanzo, and i got angry when Usagi defended him, because at that point in the story, every turn up of Hanzo was "this DICK" for me.

    maemaexxx November 6, 2015 5:15 am

    welcome to the world of shoujo...I think you'll find this common pattern in other shoujo manga's. (⌒▽⌒)

    Sakuramachi February 17, 2016 6:02 pm

    You have to consider the time of age in the manga. Back then girls did not have what we have now. Opportunities for better stuff. An education and jobs. Now you don't NEED a man. She was taught to depend on them. To become a wife. Yes feeling hanzou is a dick but he has been hurt. He want some other lady. He has the whole clan to consider. ヾ(☆▽☆)