*spoilers ahead*
He was really into the character at the time and thought he mustn’t do anything about it.
He also thought Xingcheng is still young and his feelings will fade away quickly and he’ll just find a girl soon.
Every advise he gave XC was actually for himself.
The director saw all this and forbade him to get close to XC so he tried hard to restrain the feelings, but his heart never changed.
btw he had a divorce before taking the role, so his wife wasn’t a problem at all (he admits that he never loved her deeply)

I'm so confused
So I heard that the marriage was part of their filming but it looks like its not & was actually part of Remington life but idk I just started the series . And that his wife was the problem because she cheated on him & he was heartbroken (so he did love her)
But I literally have no idea anymore if its part of his character for filming or his actually life

okay, the book translation is ongoing (i’ve read 111/136 ch) so maybe there will still be some things explained.
but for now i can say that Youming admitted that he’d said 'i love you' to only 2 people in his lifetime (his mother and XC).
his marriage was real, but his wife never understood him, she thought he never cared abt her (which wasn’t true) and only saw what she’d lost long time after the divorce.
Youming liked her and treated gently but there also wasn’t this affection/chemistry that would make their relationship work. Actually thanks to XC he started expressing his jealousy and love in many different ways (our boys were really wild ^^)

no, because she divorced YM before he took the role for the bl movie.
those rumours (about her being with other men) could’ve been true but they already weren’t together.
of course earlier she tried to make him jealous a few times, but
the only time she actually managed to hurt YM was when she brought up a divorce (he thought it was bc of him not being enough)
Remington is one of the most complicated tops i’ve ver read. Even as a reader, I honestly don’t know what he’s thinking or what he really wants