
H1th3r3 January 18, 2021 2:08 am

The ending felt too anti-climatic.
The bitch Luisa throws a birthday party for the ML without telling the FL to publicly humiliate her. AND then when things don't go her way she shoves the FL causing her to fall down some stairs and have a misscarriage.
And we ends things with her expressing her "guilt" by sending some shitty boquet to the FL to apologise for her loss. LOL...bitch should of been in handcuffs or atleast get a restraining order.
She caused you to lose your baby. Abortion is illegal in Brazil, so I'm sure she could of been arrested for assault alone. Yet, you think you can live "happily" next to the psycho that shoved you and caused you lose what would of been your first born? fuck no.

    Weebfluv January 19, 2021 1:19 am

    I would not mind slapping her and getting her in jail for killing the innocent child

    Comadrin February 2, 2021 10:34 am

    Reminds me of that god-awful Chantelle Shaw manga "The Spanish Duke's Virgin Bride," where the jealous teen lied to the pregnant wife about the Duke taking their child and then kicking her out. Wife leaves and loses her unborn baby in a car accident. Duke (who cries over his injured dog earlier) then scolds the teenager.

    SayerSong May 31, 2021 1:24 am

    Bitch needs to go to jail! And if I have EVER seen a good reason for shunning a person socially, this is it.

    H1th3r3 May 31, 2021 1:34 am
    Bitch needs to go to jail! And if I have EVER seen a good reason for shunning a person socially, this is it. SayerSong

    The ML's reaction made him look like a pussy. He should have driven that bitch out of town.

    SayerSong May 31, 2021 2:22 am
    The ML's reaction made him look like a pussy. He should have driven that bitch out of town. H1th3r3

    Yay. I will 100% agree with that. I wanted to slap him when he handed those flowers to his wife. Like, REALLY?!? At the VERY least he should have told Luisa to either grow a pair and deliver them herself, or to eff off!