azusa or whatever his name is sucks

fatass January 17, 2021 9:51 pm

bro....not yall blaming kaede??? that was his whole ass fated mate, of course he’d wanna bite that mf. it’s instinct. never thought the day would come where I argue over an omegaverse Yaoi.

azusa is downright manipulative. he forced kaede to bite him. kaede is also bad seeing as that he was just gonna throw away azusa after he was finished. I dont really understand what happened after the forced bite but like, azusa should’ve atleast asked kaede “hey since I fuckin raped you and shit do you wanna remove the bond?”

and then don’t get me started on the fated mate. fuckin bowl cut motherfucker should’ve stayed away from a taken man, tf?? but then again that doesn’t stop the fact that they’re fated mates.

honestly, im confused as to how azusa even found kaede but you know what maybe it’ll be revealed later. this story is a mess

    t e a b a g January 17, 2021 9:56 pm


    Disgustang January 18, 2021 1:26 am

    Azusa actually said that they can break the bond tho?

    jiluka January 18, 2021 3:24 am
    Azusa actually said that they can break the bond tho? Disgustang

    yeah but chances are that he knows what happened to kaedes mom, and used it against him considering he had also met his mother a few times. not only that but he also kinda like .. he acted like the victim when he tried to leave, and i guess kaedes trauma w his father breaking the bond w his mother just messed w him and made him feel obligated to keep the bond

    Disgustang January 19, 2021 8:24 pm
    yeah but chances are that he knows what happened to kaedes mom, and used it against him considering he had also met his mother a few times. not only that but he also kinda like .. he acted like the victim when ... jiluka

    Whoa that makes him a bigger shithead