The Earl...

H1th3r3 January 17, 2021 9:35 pm

Was an utter pos.

1. He manipulates his brother's grieving pregnant girlfriend into thinking his brother was dead to marry him instead.
2. refuses to relinquish custody of the ML not out of affection for the child but pettiness to spite his brother and his ex-wife. This meant the ML never got to spend any time with his real father or even meet him.

3. Tries to screw over his brother's son in the will of his rightful title of Earl and inheritance out of spite. Despite everyone being aware that his own son isn't fit for the role.

And the "mother" was part to blame for making little effort to retrieve her son from the Earl whom resented him.
Whom not only usurped his brother's title but tried to screw over his brother's son out of pettiness in the will.

The only decent parent out of all of this was the stepmother.
