I thought it's gonna be so angsty in the novel but-

Tasteless garbage January 17, 2021 12:06 pm

Well the novel is more inclined to the politics and how trash the ML is I mean he gets better but still-... After their trip in the south they become more closer far from I expected from the angsty start *sighs*

    Cloverlivep January 17, 2021 12:30 pm

    Can i know the novel tittle?

    DemoNgel January 17, 2021 4:01 pm

    Dude I hate the fact that the emperor cares and love for that shitty infertile first Queen.

    But ya they suit together since they both shit.

    Anye1116 January 18, 2021 1:44 am
    Dude I hate the fact that the emperor cares and love for that shitty infertile first Queen.But ya they suit together since they both shit. DemoNgel

    If i remember correctly, she isnt infertile. But the y cant have a child because their blood has been mixed eith so much incest???

    Tasteless garbage January 18, 2021 11:19 am
    Dude I hate the fact that the emperor cares and love for that shitty infertile first Queen.But ya they suit together since they both shit. DemoNgel

    The ML is so shitty that i really hoped he ended up with the first queen and Berta can whoop their ass but nvm

    Tasteless garbage January 18, 2021 11:28 am
    If i remember correctly, she isnt infertile. But the y cant have a child because their blood has been mixed eith so much incest??? Anye1116

    She isnt infertile and incest is also not the reason.... Its just bcos she cant really conceive a healthy baby (as far as i remeber there were hints of her miscarriage in the past?? not sure tho since i just mtl it) and i think its her karma for being obsessed in "pure blood" ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Anye1116 January 18, 2021 1:01 pm
    She isnt infertile and incest is also not the reason.... Its just bcos she cant really conceive a healthy baby (as far as i remeber there were hints of her miscarriage in the past?? not sure tho since i just m... Tasteless garbage

    The miscarriage could have been caused by incest. Too much incest can cause miscarriage or stillbirth. Still is karma tho for their obsession with pure blood

    sanduaaaaa January 19, 2021 2:12 pm

    Where can I read the novel?