That last chapter was just to funny it had me crying big time I couldn't stop laughing when he said he had two little tomatoes beneath his cucumber. I loved the story. the main seme reminded me a lot of the seme from super lovers so I liked it even more for that reason. And surprisingly I didn't even notice that I had already read the main chefs story before. I didn't notice until he explained his back story a bit and then I was like it couldn't be is that him. and then I thought the story was even more awesome by default. by the way its name is Mukuchi Na Koi No Tsutaekata.
That last chapter was just to funny it had me crying big time I couldn't stop laughing when he said he had two little tomatoes beneath his cucumber. I loved the story. the main seme reminded me a lot of the seme from super lovers so I liked it even more for that reason. And surprisingly I didn't even notice that I had already read the main chefs story before. I didn't notice until he explained his back story a bit and then I was like it couldn't be is that him. and then I thought the story was even more awesome by default. by the way its name is Mukuchi Na Koi No Tsutaekata.