Cannon fodder January 17, 2021 8:57 am

After reading ch6 I don't know what to say anymore.seme did with other just to make uke jealous?The fact that seme did with other bcos uke told him to do is making me more confuse.Look like fucking other guys is just a simple matter.Shouldn't seme make uke believe his feeling instead of go fucking other as uke told?Am I too young to understand this? Adults are sure hard to understand

    Mai January 18, 2021 4:09 am

    As i see, he was kinda rejected, so he thought i should go out with others. But y do i think that he didnt go all the way? Or did he? Im not sure but yeah it was like that , cz they didnt contacted each other as well in the interim, so that one night with other man made him realize that he only loves the uke. Tho he shouldnt have done it , but that was a realization point for him

    Mai January 18, 2021 4:23 am

    So yess u r too young to see this.its not implying that u do that jn rl with some1 u dont want to date with. Thats just fiction n yeah these thinga happen in rl life too. But thats personal preference. So we cant look down on uke just cz he chose something he wanted to .

    Stan Taemin January 25, 2021 3:37 am

    He thought he was rejected so he tried going out with other people so i guess it's okay.

    January 28, 2021 9:55 am

    Nah I’m old as hell and I agree with you. I was not happy he did that. Idc what anyone says.

    Mai January 28, 2021 9:59 am
    Nah I’m old as hell and I agree with you. I was not happy he did that. Idc what anyone says.

    Such is life. u agree or not! Not everyone plays perfect n past is past

    cutieukebae April 22, 2021 9:04 pm

    I don’t remember him saying to make him jealous, but if someone tells me we should see other ppl Ima take that as hmm...YOU DON’T LIKE ME