Neutral opinion:

Mimibu January 16, 2021 10:22 pm

So I think it can be agreed that this girl's parents aren't great at parenting. But everyone is also treating them like they were grown ups when they got married and had the MC. Some people are saying this is why the MC is the way she is, which is fair. But the MC is the same age her parents were when they got married, so her parents can't be held more accountable for their actions than the MC is held accountable for her own actions. Just like the MC, the parents also have things that made them the way they are. They're all people whose lives have been sculpted by some circumstances outside their control and some circumstances within their control.

    Syrupy Pancake January 17, 2021 5:18 pm

    Then they are about 20 then but got married of their own accord and still haven't learned anything