
Andreita November 2, 2015 7:48 am

OMG! Please yaoi gods, let the other two members of the band be a couple! I beg you!

Also, I really liked Kansai-san (the girl) at the beginning because she didn't seem like the stereotypical annoying yaoi girl, she looked like she had character... but after the last chapter I'm disappointed, I expected so much more from her, but now she is a bitch trying to destroy the main characters relationship... *sigh*

    Anonymous November 2, 2015 11:11 am

    wait I really want the sister + drummer to happen though :(

    Serara-mi November 2, 2015 11:20 am
    wait I really want the sister + drummer to happen though :( @Anonymous

    Me too, i want the sister too, but also hoping for the guy to be couple. Ah so confusing

    akuma_river November 2, 2015 11:29 am

    Well, to be fair she thinks the MC somehow caused his boyfriend's suicide and now he's getting close to the guy she's interested in. Maybe she thought it could drug related or something? And she doesn't seem malicious about it...just worried and using a two birds one stone strategy.

    It's not like the guy she's interested in is showing interest in Satou. She even asked him if Satou liked him and he said he didn't Satou hated him. So she probably doesn't think a relationship is happening between them or even might.

    She might also be warning him because of the rumors. Since Satou's rumor is out there she probably thought he should know that people say Satou's gay and his closeness might make people think he's gay as well.

    Mainly she's a plot device to give us and him info on Satou's past.

    I'm just willing to give her the benefit of the doubt unless she does something else. Then all bets are off.

    Andreita November 2, 2015 6:49 pm
    wait I really want the sister + drummer to happen though :( @Anonymous

    They would be cute too :D

    Andreita November 2, 2015 7:17 pm
    Well, to be fair she thinks the MC somehow caused his boyfriend's suicide and now he's getting close to the guy she's interested in. Maybe she thought it could drug related or something? And she doesn't seem ma... akuma_river

    Yeah, maybe, but I feel the way she brought up the subject wasn't appropiate, I feel like she inmediatly grabbed onto the gossip as true and the idea that he was dangerous so she could get between them. I mean, she just delivered the same gossip she heard, inmediately believing what the other girl told her, and instead of looking like she was worried about her friend, she came out as malicious and really judgemental :(

    But well, maybe what you said is true and I'm reading too much into this
    (wouldn't be the first time :P) and I think part of it would be yaoi manga's fault after how most women are portrayed in them *sigh*, but I really like her, and I hope she can redeem herself later on, instead of becoming just "a plot device" as you said because her character has so much potential!!


    akuma_river November 3, 2015 1:12 pm
    Yeah, maybe, but I feel the way she brought up the subject wasn't appropiate, I feel like she inmediatly grabbed onto the gossip as true and the idea that he was dangerous so she could get between them. I mean,... Andreita

    Teenage awkwardness? Plus jealousy added in?

    Women always tend to get the short stick in yaoi manga and made out to be the villains. It's so rare that we get a decent characterization in them.

    Then again, it's the same in Shoujo which is one reason why I switched to yaoi manga in the first place. Less shrew women popping up.

    I wonder if it's a cultural thing? Or just a trope that everyone uses?