I think it's more the fact that he touched someone and had sex with someone who was clearly not in their right mind. And not telling the person after that is even worse. But since Join was okay with it I guess you could say it was consensual. Still touching a person who is so drunk is just not socially seen as a necessary good thing

Mmm... It was? Jooin was so drunk that he couldn't recall a thing the day after, so Yahwi did rape him by taking advantage of him being intoxicated. Yahwi also had the audacity to blame him for not remembering. It was rape and if they continue to have a relationship is because of the plot, not because is not rape anymore. Also... What is up in trying to pin Jooin as he someone who raped Yahwi to save his ass for being called a rapist? It's weird. I'm not part of any team but seeing people trying to justify Yahwi is really concerning.

Couldn't care less? Jooin was emotionally destroyed when he realizes what happened and he felt used because Yahwi knew and yet he played with him, so Jooin does understands that what Yahwi did was wrong, he goes as far to question him if it was fun to play with him having no recollection on what happened. It was dissapointing how this aspect didn't go further, I don't like how the story never goes back on how Yahwi took advantage of him in that state and continue their """"romance""""".... Tiring excuse? Rape is a tiring excuse to you? Good to know.

soo are we going to ignore the fact that right after jooin asked him if it was fun to play with him, he also said that he doesn’t care about anything else as long as yahwi’s feelings changed? not trying to defend him for that scene bc it was unnecessary and fucked up, but jooin didn’t broke down just bc of it. it was an accumulation of things: the usb incident, yahwi paying him for sex, never showing any signs of liking him and ofc the fact that it looked like he played with his head the entire time. the story never furthered that plotline bc it was resolved in that episode sure, it was underwhelming, but jooin had never thought about that scene or be grossed out by it nor did he bring it up again. he wasn’t even uncomfortable around yahwi later on so no matter how disappointing it is, it’s already dealt with.

I don't ignore it. That just makes the situation worst because after he took advantage of him, Yahwi treated him like a prostitute and broke his heart in the process. It's really absurd how this issue is treated like nothing because the story still romanticize them. The story is dumb for having Jooin still being in love with Yahwi despite this and how he also forced him to have sex with him after he saw Jooin going out with Cain, but now we have to be okay with it since we have Yahwi pulling up a 180° change of attitude like he didn't fuck him until he passed out a few hours ago. I don't see anything romantic in their relationship.
nah i’m dropping it if jooin ends up with that r@pist instead of cain