It was a really great story. I read it on manga though because of what the people...

alrkitty November 1, 2015 1:16 pm

It was a really great story. I read it on manga though because of what the people on here said. There were just a few things I really just didn't get. One was kaylus origins. He seems to be the child of a god and a witch but who was the god? 2 what ever happened to that missing love potion. And 3 what's up with her mom and that uniform? I think they didn't tell us something on that one. Even with my questions I still really loved the story.

    Yun November 1, 2015 1:51 pm

    Kaylus is not exactly the child of a god and a witch. Just has some bloodline. His grandmother was a witch so he has witch blood.
    Then I think it was rumoured that people from the royal family had god blood (from some faraway ancestors). And his mother is one of those descendants.

    As for your other questions, I don't quite remember what it's about since it's been some time since I've read it...