SAME I dropped INTHC after like 90 chapters (so I was pretty far ahead) bc I hated that the ML was the knight. Idk if it was the artist that drew him as an adult when she was a child, but it was very awkward. I’m staying for this one just to see how it develops. I mean, at least with this one, she’s immortal but it’s still very strange. The only redeeming quality would be how their relationship transitions, but that all depends on pace and the author. :/

Lol she is planning a revenge on him ...well tbh i have also complaints and in fact the romance part in that sucks so bad ..but m hanging on for the oath crystal and stuff and the consequences of breaking it and wt not ...but it does get overbearing
Oh but now they kind of going in a direction of putting an end to this stupidity and do something about it so ..m fine
I still can't accept the ML is Tita. Like she saw his growing up and rn she is like his sister/mother. I don't care age gap but i dont like these kind of couples. (I Belong to House Castiello like this too) but i will continue to reading lmao