I hate him so much. All the brown hair dude does is blame her for being a hacker when she ...

Sketchy January 16, 2021 7:42 am

I hate him so much. All the brown hair dude does is blame her for being a hacker when she quite literally didn’t fucking pick it. Who wants to be ostracized, hated, the odd one out, the person everyone doesn’t want you to be? He makes it out like she choose to be this and that in a day she’ll master it. He’s forgetting that’s she’s a literal highschooler who almost got killed and was in a traumatic situation not too long ago. Also, let’s not talk about how shit her mental state is and how he’s probably making it worse?? Thanks a lot dude, you’re really convincing her to join your side you bitchass.

    Sketchy January 16, 2021 8:30 am

    Dropping this. Read the raws and although I don’t know Korean it lowkey feels insensitive in a way. I don’t know, it makes me uncomfortable at how depression is portrayed in a way. Maybe it would’ve been better if I knew what they were saying but it makes me uncomfy so yeah.

    Savi__mon January 16, 2021 11:15 am

    im not sure but i think the brown hair guy is a women. btw i agree with you, its so annoying.

    Myoui January 25, 2021 6:13 pm
    Dropping this. Read the raws and although I don’t know Korean it lowkey feels insensitive in a way. I don’t know, it makes me uncomfortable at how depression is portrayed in a way. Maybe it would’ve been ... Sketchy

    Hmm yeah might be the reason I was irked on the first chapter...