After a LONG ASS week….

Romanceisdead69 October 31, 2015 12:42 am

I need something to revitalise my tired and weary soul….Oh, I know the perfect thing! > > > > A nice little challenge over the weekend!ヾ(☆▽☆)

I have always wanted to know people's ultimate FAVOURITE frame in ViewFinder. What moment for you do you look at every time and just melt, cry at or even find erotic. Anything goes, but the challenge is just ONE frame though, if you can pick!

Here's mine to start us off: I have SO many favourite moments. But for me maybe this one clinches it because it's the first time Asami does something like this, shows this amount of open affection for Akihito as he's lost in the moment…To actually call out his name like that and cling onto him….all the feels. All the feels.

Link NSFW!

Thanks for reading! x

    tokidoki October 31, 2015 1:54 am
    Anoni Grrl October 31, 2015 2:13 am
    Hehe - mine is from the same chapter - tokidoki

    Oh, that's a good one. It's hard to pick. This week, I'll go with this, because I love it when Aki is aggressive.

    eworth October 31, 2015 3:14 am

    So tough but I have to go with the bottom frame here. It makes me melt:

    J Unleashed October 31, 2015 4:22 am

    Asami, top frame--

    This gets me every time. I don't know exactly why.

    Anonymous October 31, 2015 6:56 am

    Something a little different...this bottom frame. Is friggin awesome. (I may be in shonen mood. ^^)

    INeedYaoiToSurvive October 31, 2015 7:21 am

    This makes me melt and somehow I think Asami is being sweet when he says 'That's what you need the most now'. My favorite panel of Asami and on the next page Aki's lovely smile...Awwww
    Aki's top frame.

    Romanceisdead69 October 31, 2015 11:33 am

    It's nice to see how different everyone's choices are - just goes to show how stories affect people in different ways ^^ we all take things from it at different times too I think because the story has a bit of everything - And Asami is so damn hard to read whereas Akihito is just a little cutie so it keeps us coming back. I'm sure we all have hundreds of favourite moments!x

    ashida October 31, 2015 1:44 pm

    Trying to pick one panel has literally sent me haywire, do I pick Asami's "don't touch my waifu's" face in the last chapter, his relieved face on the ship, his sexy face when they fuck on the kitchen bench (that one is high on my list)or his angry face when looking down at Sudou?
    No. No. I can't decide at all, so I will just resort to the page that has made me flip my shit the most.

    I'm not sorry.

    Anoni Grrl October 31, 2015 3:39 pm
    Trying to pick one panel has literally sent me haywire, do I pick Asami's "don't touch my waifu's" face in the last chapter, his relieved face on the ship, his sexy face when they fuck on the kitchen bench (tha... ashida

    LOL. I like how Sudou's reaction is "This man is... a foreigner!" Not "This man is a boss in a rival gang" or "This man talks like he is in a Rocky movie from the 1970s.", but "What the hell, Sakazaki; you brought me a *foreigner*. How Tacky."

    Romanceisdead69 October 31, 2015 8:09 pm
    Trying to pick one panel has literally sent me haywire, do I pick Asami's "don't touch my waifu's" face in the last chapter, his relieved face on the ship, his sexy face when they fuck on the kitchen bench (tha... ashida

    Hahaha yes! I was staring at that page for what felt like hours - wishing it away!!! According to popularity poles I NEVER expected Mikhail to make another appearance! o_0

    Anonymous October 31, 2015 9:25 pm
    Hahaha yes! I was staring at that page for what felt like hours - wishing it away!!! According to popularity poles I NEVER expected Mikhail to make another appearance! o_0 Romanceisdead69

    Was he that unpopular? I dunno, I love him :D

    Romanceisdead69 October 31, 2015 10:27 pm
    Was he that unpopular? I dunno, I love him :D @Anonymous

    I saw the results of (I think) 2 Japanese poles that they run in Manga mags and from that read a (translated) Q&A from Sensei saying that she would like Fei Long to make another appearance but not sure about Mikhail. BUT. My Japanese isn't good enough to say that any of those sources are totally legit though lol (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 so maybe not. But regardless, I'm totally psyched!!!

    Romanceisdead69 October 31, 2015 10:33 pm
    Asami, top frame-- This gets me every time. I don't know exactly why. J Unleashed

    I totally get this, I love this chapter - and not just for the H stuff! - It's so intimate, comfortable it melts my heart. Beautiful!
    I've also wanted to know though, (if you don't mind looking) - WHY Asami pulls this face when Akihito insists on drinking the same Beer as him. I can never figure it out!

    Frame 2:

    Anon October 31, 2015 11:24 pm
    I totally get this, I love this chapter - and not just for the H stuff! - It's so intimate, comfortable it melts my heart. Beautiful! I've also wanted to know though, (if you don't mind looking) - WHY Asami pul... Romanceisdead69

    Because he knows the beer is strong and Akihito can't handle his booze -

    xref Tabaka's wonderful day and Love Suprise.

    Romanceisdead69 November 1, 2015 12:35 am
    Because he knows the beer is strong and Akihito can't handle his booze -xref Tabaka's wonderful day and Love Suprise. @Anon

    Yeah I can see that, it just seems like such a serious face for the occasion and his pupils are contracted like he's surprised or suspicious. So it seems a little weird tis all.

    J Unleashed November 1, 2015 4:09 am
    I totally get this, I love this chapter - and not just for the H stuff! - It's so intimate, comfortable it melts my heart. Beautiful! I've also wanted to know though, (if you don't mind looking) - WHY Asami pul... Romanceisdead69

    Looking at everyone else's choices, they are all sweet and poignant moments... and here my choice is smut. Like Ashida, it was also hard for me not to pick the scene where Asami is taking Akihito on the kitchen counter, but those types of scenes affect me more than any of the others. I honestly don't know why. I guess I'm just weird that way.

    Asami's "breathtaking" expression toward Akihito in the link you gave is because this is the first time Akihito is openly showing affection toward him-- without it being driven by extreme trauma (as it was in the Hong Kong arc) or under the influence of alcohol (such as it was after going to the bar with Asami).

    J November 1, 2015 5:59 am
    Yeah I can see that, it just seems like such a serious face for the occasion and his pupils are contracted like he's surprised or suspicious. So it seems a little weird tis all. Romanceisdead69

    I think it's very rare for Asami having Akihito as drinking company at his penthouse because they normally have different living hours. And they both know Akihito's poor tolerance of alcohol which says they both also suppose the consequences easily. Plus, the biggest of all, Akihito offered it willingly, not forced or of result of some actions, so he is very surprised, I think.

    ashida November 1, 2015 6:31 am
    Hahaha yes! I was staring at that page for what felt like hours - wishing it away!!! According to popularity poles I NEVER expected Mikhail to make another appearance! o_0 Romanceisdead69

    I thought he had to, it just was so random for her to throw another opposing party in the Hong Kong arc for pretty much no point, and he came up in that extra, so I had my fingers crossed XD

    Romanceisdead69 November 1, 2015 2:29 pm
    Looking at everyone else's choices, they are all sweet and poignant moments... and here my choice is smut. Like Ashida, it was also hard for me not to pick the scene where Asami is taking Akihito on the kitchen... J Unleashed

    Thank you for the insight!

    Romanceisdead69 November 1, 2015 2:29 pm
    I think it's very rare for Asami having Akihito as drinking company at his penthouse because they normally have different living hours. And they both know Akihito's poor tolerance of alcohol which says they bot... @J

    Thank you, it makes much more sense now!