And I felt that her and Seojuns relationship didn't start... naturally? Like it was obvious that Seojun liked Jugyeong, but she was kinda oblivious to it. That is until Seojun kissed her when she was drunk, sorry but I'm not a fan about that lol. I mean she only really saw his looks and that's all and I feel like she only really started to like him because "He could kiss her." I don't know I just didn't see their relationship working out in the LONG term.
I don't think I'll ever really catch up with it to be honest... After Suho left and time went on I lost interest in this Webtoon. Jugyeong character seemed to be developing, but man after Suho left *SCREECH* Jugyeong hit the brakes real quick and I feel traveled all the way back to where she was at at the start. Not a big fan of Jugyeong and Seojuns relationship, nothing against either of them but I just felt like that their relationship was a neverending spiral- mainly on Jugyeong part. Her neverending fear of being caught without makeup, that got old REAL quick. Even when he saw her without it, sure he was surprised, but he wasn't disgusted, or horrified like she thought he would be. And then she just did stupid stuff that any logical human being would be like "Uh no" or "This just isn't right". I feel as if she needed to worry less with how she looked and more about her own self confidence and just mental care. Like sure makeup helps, but makeup is a shield, not a permanent fix because at the end of the day your gonna remove that make up and those thoughts and reflections are gonna be there to greet you.
I don't know I just hope the author doesn't drag this out for much longer because the plot is becoming really thin and nonexistent, but I could be the only one that thinks this...