Another rape

Tmenaruto October 27, 2015 11:56 pm

I hate mangas that portray rape as beautiful and sexy. There was nothing sexy about forcing yourself on another just because you have feelings for them. The teacher did the same thing and he went crazy on his ass. But after that he didn't learn his lesson. He forced himself on another person again and accepted the fact that he was doing wrong. The word NO doesn't mean yes and I don't care who thinks this comment is annoying

    ifcujoweresappho November 19, 2015 2:34 pm

    Thank You!

    MissSris December 25, 2015 4:38 pm

    Hey have you ever watched "British guide to consent"? Tea represents sex. "If you offer someone a cup of tea, and they don't want the tea, don't give them tea."

    ifcujoweresappho December 26, 2015 9:34 pm
    Hey have you ever watched "British guide to consent"? Tea represents sex. "If you offer someone a cup of tea, and they don't want the tea, don't give them tea." MissSris

    Gods yes, it's beautiful. I happened to be drinking tea while my brother was watching it.

    Melligator February 7, 2016 7:27 am

    OMG!!!! I know right???? My friends all say that I am most likely the one who will rip off the rapist's balls if they ever try that

    Mameiha March 3, 2016 2:43 am

    I can recommend some beautiful shounen ai to you, because yaoi is not a genre for you if you can't handle the Asian culture's facination with what you call "rape". Western cultures are unreserved - we commonly do things that would be unspeakable there, like public displays of affection, or even saying "I love you" openly (aishiteru not suki yo/suki da). To a reserved culture like Japan, where you don't even kiss your parents on the cheek, the idea that your lover could become so overwhelmed with desire that they drop their reserve and "ravish" you, is a very common fantasy for women (the major audience for yaoi). You're reading manga written by and for this culture. At the very least, you could try to understand their cultural point of view. Otherwise, your statements become insults. I doubt you are an intolerant or insulting person in other matters. So, please, take their culture into consideration before assgning a word like "rape" to someone else's fantasies.

    Tmenaruto March 5, 2016 3:17 am
    I can recommend some beautiful shounen ai to you, because yaoi is not a genre for you if you can't handle the Asian culture's facination with what you call "rape". Western cultures are unreserved - we commonly ... Mameiha

    I get what your saying but in the story I am referring to has a person saying no many times. What you are referring to is desire and accepting someone's passion which are very interesting and sexy Fantasy. If someone doesn't like Somethins and the other still. Persist then it is rape. And any Asian friend I can can concur with this statement. Thanks for the comment though.

    Tmenaruto March 5, 2016 3:23 am
    I can recommend some beautiful shounen ai to you, because yaoi is not a genre for you if you can't handle the Asian culture's facination with what you call "rape". Western cultures are unreserved - we commonly ... Mameiha

    Ive read many yori for years that don't go this far with what you consider "fantasy desire". Most are faithful and. Sexy with how they come on to. The person they like. This one wasn't sexy nor acceptable in how you love the person you really like. I think the other person should be into it as well. Not deny it all they way through the sex. :/ it's painful and as a girl I can say that painful sex isn't good sex.

    Mameiha March 5, 2016 4:26 am
    Ive read many yori for years that don't go this far with what you consider "fantasy desire". Most are faithful and. Sexy with how they come on to. The person they like. This one wasn't sexy nor acceptable i... Tmenaruto

    I don't think you're getting that you're not just reading fiction here - this is pornography. Pornography and real life are as alike as apples and trucks. When you graduate high school and are old enough to legally buy pornography, take a look. There are ALL KINDS of weird fetishes that make your "rape" look like kids playing in a sand box. Just because this site isn't age restricted doesn't mean kids should be reading these manga, but they obviously do. Only a child would mistake a pornographic manga as a reflection of real life. Or assume that a fictional character was in pain for real. Put down the age restricted material and go back to shounen ai and shoujo. You're not mentally prepared for pornography.

    Tmenaruto March 5, 2016 6:35 pm
    I don't think you're getting that you're not just reading fiction here - this is pornography. Pornography and real life are as alike as apples and trucks. When you graduate high school and are old enough to leg... Mameiha

    I agree our taste ain't the same but don't insult me. I'm no child and when I read I read for Pleasure. Fiction or fetish I enjoy if it suits my taste. We all are different so why judge. Only a child does that. So grow up and and harrass someone else's thoughts on a story. Even book clubs comment on all types of stories and share their thoughts and feeling on it, so this should'nt be no different. A discussion not time to jump someone for commenting on how a story makers her feel. Keep reading what you like and let me keep my freedom of speech.

    tee. March 5, 2016 8:27 pm
    I agree our taste ain't the same but don't insult me. I'm no child and when I read I read for Pleasure. Fiction or fetish I enjoy if it suits my taste. We all are different so why judge. Only a child doe... Tmenaruto

    Whoa Peace and love ladies. Everyone's got freedom of speech here , you , me her all of us. I don't think she was harassing just expressing what she thought just like you did. No offence peace x

    Mameiha March 5, 2016 10:32 pm
    I agree our taste ain't the same but don't insult me. I'm no child and when I read I read for Pleasure. Fiction or fetish I enjoy if it suits my taste. We all are different so why judge. Only a child doe... Tmenaruto

    Just because you CAN speak doesn't mean you SHOULD. I live by that belief and I fucked up. I over-stepped myself and became hostile and insulting. You're right, I was wrong and I sincerely apologize. I could tell you that I confused two of these "rape" conversation threads that I am in, but that would just sound like an excuse. There is no excuse for my behavior. I was terribly rude to you and you did not deserve it one bit. I really am sorry. Your opinion is as valid as mine and I should not have been so flippant. I hope that you can forgive my error.

    Mameiha March 5, 2016 10:38 pm
    Whoa Peace and love ladies. Everyone's got freedom of speech here , you , me her all of us. I don't think she was harassing just expressing what she thought just like you did. No offence peace x tee.

    Thanks sweetheart. I got way out of line. I'm having several of these same conversations and I got nasty at the wrong person. This reader didn't deserve my wrath and I feel horrible about it. Thank you for stepping in as a friend.

    Mameiha March 5, 2016 11:11 pm
    Just because you CAN speak doesn't mean you SHOULD. I live by that belief and I fucked up. I over-stepped myself and became hostile and insulting. You're right, I was wrong and I sincerely apologize. I could te... Mameiha

    Actually... NO. I withdraw my apology. After reading through every one of these posts four times, I can't apologize for anything I've said. I stand behind my views. I don't care if you are 12 or 112 chronologically, you are not emotionally mature enough for pornography. You have been unable to look beyond your own view of a scenario and see it from another person's point of view. Your narrow view is obscured by having no idea what it is like to live in the culture that you yourself are insulting by calling their fantasies crimes - rape is a crime. Half of my family is Japanese and I am a practicioner of S&M games like "rape play" - I am a member of a local BDSM club - and I can promise you that "no means yes" in those fantasy games, the same way it does in yaoi. This is what I mean by you are not emotionally mature enough for this genre. Your life experience is limited and you assume that the world you view from your little box is the same one everyone else sees. With that assumption, you think it is okay to insult the fantasies of others and hide behind your "freedom of speech". The first amendment does not give you the right to call people derogatory names, nor does it give you the right to insult others without repercussion. You claim I insulted you when in fact you insulted me in your OC - I happen to play the "top" role in "rape play" games and am, therefore, someone you would call a "rapist". Yet outside of fantasy I would never lay a hand on a person that did not accept my advances. So, that said, I will go back to the first line of my apology... Just because you CAN speak, deosn't mean you SHOULD.

    Tmenaruto March 8, 2016 12:11 am

    Yio just said others names when in a previous message you stated that' it's fantacy. You can't say that I'm calling Luther's names when I'm referring to the story. I don't insult BDSM and different sexual cultures. Your misunderstanding is funny. With the community you associate with, no means yes and the difference between that and this story is that only one person was enjoying it. The other person didn't agree to go along with the culture you are referring to. When two people agree that "no" will mean yes whenever they meet then it's fine. Lol I don't know why you assume it never been apart of rape fantasy before but I guess you think you know me. It is fun and exciting and I get a thrill out of it but not if I don't really know that person and we never talked about it. People talk about it and all I'm saying is that they didn't, it came out of no where. I role play all the time with many people but I assure you a discussion was had before hand because if you don't, someone can get hurt. I guess someone safety isn't important to you.

    Mameiha March 8, 2016 1:28 am
    Yio just said others names when in a previous message you stated that' it's fantacy. You can't say that I'm calling Luther's names when I'm referring to the story. I don't insult BDSM and different sexual cul... Tmenaruto

    #1. Who the hell is Luther??? #2. The fictional characters can not enjoy or dislike what the writer has them do or experience - they are fictional. More evidence of immaturity. This is a STORY. It is only related to real life in it's ability to create fantasies for the reader - the reader is the only link for fiction to real life. The readers can relate to the characters due to their own real life experiences. However, it is only an emotionally or mentally immature reader who would assume the characters can feel or express emotion as if they were "real people". Do you also believe that the "Twilight" vampires exist? I doubt it. Do you believe that unicorns and dragons exist? I doubt it. Why are you, then, unable to extend that disbelief to these manga characters? Even if I act out my fantasies IRL they are still NOT real. They are games. I am not actually raping or being raped, I'm not really a cat or a dog, I'm not Sailor Moon either - just like the characters in the manga, it is NOT REAL. So the concept is fundamentally the same. #3 You DO insult my art and community by insinuating that fantasy and fiction can, and should, be viewed at the same level as the crime of rape.
    I assume you know next to nothing about BDSM because you can't divide fantasy and reality - a dangerous state when engaging in BDSM. One not tolerated by the community. I don't need to know anymore than that. Maybe you've played on your own, with a little spanking or tie-up here and there, but a BDSM community would never accept a person who thinks that what we do in our "games" can transfer to real life in any way, shape or form. You are correct that in BDSM prior consent is necessary - the working word here is "prior". In a story, this is not necessary since the characters are not "real" human beings. They are constructs of the writers imagination. They have no feelings, rights or will - outside what the writer writes for them.
    I beg to differ, I care very much for my partner's and my own safety - as well as the safety of all the community members (I'll explain in a minute). I have been involved in this community for over 25 years and the only bad experience I had was when I failed to properly get to know my partner as a novice. I was injured. Lesson learned. Outside of that, I've had no negative experiences and no one has ever been "injured" by my hand. I use "injured" loosely because we deal in pain... extreme pain, in some cases. I know very well the type of relationship that must be built before engaging in BDSM - S&M more specifically - and it requires far more than conversation. There has to be a bond of trust. You can "tie up and spank" a random fuck-buddy, but if you're going to use a riding crop, horsewhip or "biting" chains - all of which leave whelts and/or draw blood - you better have more than a "talk" or you'll get charges pressed against you. ALL of my partners were my friends for at least 6 months before we ever engaged in the mildest B&D. We had to build the kind of trust that is required for this type of sex play. Please don't play off your novice views to someone who has been a practitioner of this art since she was 19 - I'm 46 now. I'd also like to point out that I teach classes on BDSM relationship building, female domination, female submission and I function as the medic - I'm a nurse - for all group games and functions (hence the "care for all members' safety). When you are able to separate fiction from reality, I'll be happy to teach you.

    Tuuh March 13, 2016 5:52 pm
    #1. Who the hell is Luther??? #2. The fictional characters can not enjoy or dislike what the writer has them do or experience - they are fictional. More evidence of immaturity. This is a STORY. It is only relat... Mameiha


    This is the first time that I ever write a comment at this site.

    I totally agree with you. In all the yaoi mangas that I've read the uke cries out loud, beg to stop but come and gasp like crazy, and is all part of a fantasy. In RL no normal person would be totally hard or in case of a woman totally wet during an act of violence or pain if not consensual. Not comparing S&M since pleasure and pain are both sides of the same coin. I'm talking about real violence and real rape and not a play where everybody knows what they want and consent to that. In a real rape situation nobody would be excited or hard and wet.

    So why compare RL to something that is part of the mind of another person, nothing of this exists if not on the "paper", it’s like a book, the paper accepts everything, the laws in the society no. And by researching about culture is pretty obvious that feel pleasure while in denial of that pleasure is a big turn on for the people who live in places like Japan, China and etc. because they are a people much more reserved.

    I live on Brazil and here sex, and kink stuffs is not something abnormal, is something that we talked with friends, and read in gossip magazines. Now for a people who doesn’t kiss others in the cheek just to say "hi", or display affections in front of others, and don't even call the others by the first name; Be able to do kink stuffs, on this level of erotic and perverted situation is a big turn on.

    I’m not criticizing anyone; I just don’t understand why do people read something that they can’t relate with. Understand the culture of the person who creates something is the most important thing, because without that link, how can you fully appreciate the fantasy.

    And I’m not saying that I found every single fantasy a turn on, but I get it why they found that Yummy. And more I found so f*cking hot those rape scenes because the mangaka always makes very clear that even that being a rape both parties are coming, and screaming and drowning in the biggest pleasure possible, even when it hurts a little.

    Mameiha March 13, 2016 10:11 pm
    Hello!This is the first time that I ever write a comment at this site.I totally agree with you. In all the yaoi mangas that I've read the uke cries out loud, beg to stop but come and gasp like crazy, and is all... Tuuh

    H o l y W o w... That was the most incredibly intelligent and well thought through reply I've read in a long, long time. Aside from us being in agreement, you considered every angle and reasoned out your thoughts very well. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts here. It made my day to see a reply that was so well written. You have the makings of a great debater. I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on other topics in the future.

    Tuuh March 14, 2016 1:05 am
    H o l y W o w... That was the most incredibly intelligent and well thought through reply I've read in a long, long time. Aside from us being in agreement, you considered every angle and reasoned out your though... Mameiha

    Thanks, I think I'm got excited and already started replying comments and saying what I think. It’s pretty cool *laughs* I just did a comment replying another comment on the Tsume to Toge manga and was cool be able to express what I think. Is going to be a blast read more of your thoughts and showing mine also!

    Himeowchama July 13, 2017 6:22 am

    IKR???? If I took this manga seriously, I would'be been pissed af when the seme said "can u react if it's someone u don't love?" UHHH THAT'S WHAT RAPISTS SAYYYY (tho most rapists say "can u react if it doesn't feel good?")