For sure! I kinda wish the artist would describe their version of Alpha/Omega/Beta...I mean they talked about the smell but we've mainly only seen Dojin affected by Hysung pheromones but I don't remember Hysung smelling anything...I remember Dojin using his dominance alpha on him and that's it; Hyesung only wanted to become pregnant when he went into heat so he would've been okay with any alpha and again no smell. I'm kinda wondering if Hyesung's mind kinda developed a smell for them on his own or something? Like, I agree with him still somewhat wanting that but out of those three things...he just doesn't have an omega PLUS when Chowon apologized to him, Hyesung and Byul both blushed liked crazy so maybe after having a baby he feels more one with being an omega and understands them and finds them more attractive?
PLEASE i’ve been saying this from the beginning, hyesung was BARELY an adult forced into parenting and marriage trying his best to be something he’s not at the beginning of the story. but now he’s happy and has a nice life but he STILL is young and he still probably has a bunch of mental things going on from when he rejected who he was for so long. it’s been like two years? maybe less? give him some damn time to figure out just what is going on with himself