Chapter 54 will be released in February 28th

Pipi970 October 27, 2015 12:06 pm

Chapter 54 will be released in February 28th because sensei's name is not mention in the next issue of be boy gold.

    Anon October 27, 2015 9:42 am

    Is this a surprise to anyone? That's her routine, she always takes breaks longer than 6 months between volumes (since, you know, last update was in JUNE). I just hope we don't end up waiting all these months for 10 pages....

    Pipi970 October 27, 2015 10:00 am
    Is this a surprise to anyone? That's her routine, she always takes breaks longer than 6 months between volumes (since, you know, last update was in JUNE). I just hope we don't end up waiting all these months fo... @Anon

    So sorry for hitting the annoying button, i don't really mean to hit that. Sensei did mention on her twitter that her health is not good so she can't draw as much as she used to but she's still thinking about her fan and bacause of that she's trying her best.

    Alohomori October 27, 2015 11:44 am
    Is this a surprise to anyone? That's her routine, she always takes breaks longer than 6 months between volumes (since, you know, last update was in JUNE). I just hope we don't end up waiting all these months fo... @Anon

    It's a surprise for me because I started reading all the chapters of VF nearly a year and a half ago, so I didn't know how long we had to wait when Ayano Yamane finishes her tankoubon.

    And I think it's rather atypical to take so much time if we compare it with the other authors (the majority of them). I don't remember having seen another mangaka taking 6 months or more between two books.

    There's no judgment in my words, but I didn't know it would be that long. And now, I even wonder if we'll have the chapter 54 in the next issue of the Be x Boy Gold magazine (especially when you say that the author's break is longer than 6 months).

    ilove1227 October 27, 2015 2:24 pm

    Fuck dis shit, I'm out!

    Anonymous October 27, 2015 3:45 pm
    Fuck dis shit, I'm out! ilove1227

    Like anyone cares. Bye!

    Candy eye October 27, 2015 5:05 pm
    Fuck dis shit, I'm out! ilove1227

    If you on your limit as far as patience concerning this matter, just do you that's all I got to say.

    Anonymous October 27, 2015 5:23 pm
    Is this a surprise to anyone? That's her routine, she always takes breaks longer than 6 months between volumes (since, you know, last update was in JUNE). I just hope we don't end up waiting all these months fo... @Anon

    So what happens if you do wait all these months and it is only 10 pages? What will you do then? Stop reading it for free? That'll sting. You guys act like this woman personally owes you for something you're taking from her for free. Bye to you, too.

    Anonymous October 27, 2015 5:31 pm

    Not a surprise because this happened before the release of Vol 7. She is not as prolific as she used to be, but since she is continuing draw, I'm just happy for that. Other mangaka do produce more, but like the rest of us, everybody is different and she has slowed down since her father died. The Finder franchise is making money for the publisher, so they may not be pushing the issue. Vol 7 had 3 different cover releases (regular, Animate & Amazon had special covers) showing the success of this series even with slower output. I'd rather she pace herself and continue to work, rather than put the series on hiatus.

    Having said this, the weird part of me visualizes an Usagi/Aikawa relationship between Yamane and her editor.

    Shouichi October 27, 2015 9:21 pm

    I might be shocked with the update news, but I'M MORE SHOCKED with her health news!! God I hope she's okay!!! Seems like she's tired from making manga>__< . No no nono not as in bored. Tired as in working too much >_<
    And she's still drawing manga because she thinks of her fans :'(

    To those who are not patient in waiting, find another hobby or manga like I did xD

    Anonymous October 27, 2015 9:23 pm

    u sure it's in Feb??

    Pipi970 October 28, 2015 12:49 am
    u sure it's in Feb?? @Anonymous

    Yes. Here is what she says in her latest tweet:"Next year it will release the comics in the spring. I wait a little more."

    anon October 28, 2015 1:32 am
    Yes. Here is what she says in her latest tweet:"Next year it will release the comics in the spring. I wait a little more." Pipi970

    Potentially that could also mean the April edition. I think we can say Feb earliest, but not definitely Feb.

    dee October 28, 2015 1:36 am
    I might be shocked with the update news, but I'M MORE SHOCKED with her health news!! God I hope she's okay!!! Seems like she's tired from making manga>__< . No no nono not as in bored. Tired as in working... @Shouichi

    I will wait for her next manga, her health comes first

    Anoni Grrl October 28, 2015 3:34 am

    Okay, I have some couples Halloween ideas: Asami as the Devil and Aki as an angel (with wings). Fei as Sampson and Yoh as Delilah. Kirishima as mark Anthony and Souh as Cleopatra. Mikhail as Romeo and Sudou as Juliet. Mitarai as Bonnie and Sakazaki as Clyde. Oh, and Kuroda as Spike and me as Buffy. Because.

    Anoni Grrl October 28, 2015 3:58 am
    Okay, I have some couples Halloween ideas: Asami as the Devil and Aki as an angel (with wings). Fei as Sampson and Yoh as Delilah. Kirishima as mark Anthony and Souh as Cleopatra. Mikhail as Romeo and Sudou as... Anoni Grrl

    Sorry, I have no idea how I clicked so far off from where I had thought.

    reponce October 28, 2015 1:53 pm

    so the next chap will be release in spring but someone write that the volume 8 will be on sale in spring 2016 ? well i was suprised coz the story seems to be complicated and they are lot of things still not clear now it's ok! sensei take ur time and come back with terrific story.

    anon October 28, 2015 2:48 pm
    so the next chap will be release in spring but someone write that the volume 8 will be on sale in spring 2016 ? well i was suprised coz the story seems to be complicated and they are lot of things still not cle... reponce

    Volume 8 doesn't necessarily have to contain the complete story. It could run into a third volume.

    Alohomori October 28, 2015 3:04 pm
    Yes. Here is what she says in her latest tweet:"Next year it will release the comics in the spring. I wait a little more." Pipi970

    For me, a "release in spring" is not on the april issue (so a release of the magazine in february, because it's still winter). I may be wrong of course, but I think we'll have the chapter in april, with the june issue of the magazine.

    With her health problems, she's slower than usual and maybe, for the time being, she also wants to concentrate a little bit more on Crimson Spell because the last releases of this story didn't contain a lot of pages and the readers were rather angry. If we consider the commercial aspect of that, it's not really good for her and for her publisher too, because it's a risk that people decide to drop the manga.

    reponce October 28, 2015 8:43 pm
    Volume 8 doesn't necessarily have to contain the complete story. It could run into a third volume. @anon

    thanks i didn't know.