Ha i have this some problem myself.And i study myselfThis website is great for studying Japanese if u r the beginner try it http://www.japanese-online.com/lessons/basics/characters .But if u want 2 know more let me know ok(>‿◠)

hey, thank you so much for sharing it with me! but i do have more questions! if you don't mind me asking, how did you start? i know that the 3 basics to learning a language is reading, writing nd speaking. so did you start all 3 of them together? or did you just memorized the alphabets nd words 1st? how many hours per day do you spend? i m sorry for bugging you like this....if you are busy just ignore me ( ̄∇ ̄")

R u happen to use some app like facebook it is hard to explain in word and i am willing to help someone want to learn japanese .If so u can add me Agnes Yukino my fb account.I somtime tutor some people japanese through messenger so ..give it a thought ok.It is important to start writing first u must memorized all hiragana and katakana .After then basic grammar and listening then u will be ok ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭the difficult part is kanji even i a few words so three or four hour a day should be more than enough it just depend on ur will power
guys i really need some advice on how to learn japanese!! i was fine until i was reading mangas but recently i started reading novels. and there are so many awesome raw novels out there!! so i really want to start learning japanese. but i dont wanna spend money on courses or books. if possible i want to learn it online or by myself. i don't mind if it takes years. so if anyone who has learned japanese by themeselves, please share you advice with this poor girl!!