Yes, anything and everything joohae- dishes, decorating, laughing, teasing, cuddling, wine and candles, hot romantic sex, all of it!
I’m also eager to see Haesoo’s evolution and how he can be an equal partner in every way to Joowon, now that he presumably has a better sense of self and is satisfied with his own achievements and trajectory. I think he came to realize how much he resembled his mom after they met in chapter 80 something and probably wanted to change. It’d be nice if he got a ring or some other token of his eternal love for Joowon, too, like what if they surprise each other at the same time.
I swear i'm gonna be so sad if the new raw chapter this saturday isn't filled with Joohae domesticity and love. And I want to see Joowon finally give Haesoo a ring so baaad