Since I'm a nosy bitch i wanna know about y'all's weird relationship or cru...
anyone have any good obsessive x obsessive BL recs? i feel like i read most...
Manga Book Club
Looking for this manhwa that was drop by the author due to issues with publ...
Looking for Title
How do u guys relieve stress? Especially academic stress? Grandpa Richard n...
can anyone suggest something like “Harry Potter” any genre is finee
Just want some angsty sh*t
I love omegaverse
hi guys :) i made a huge ass list of the things that im reading rn/have already read.
here :) i havent updated it in a while but if you wanna write anything you like on there, go ahead but just wrtie some intials or something next to it so ik its new. i haven't put any romances in it except for a few so im hoping its okay if yall dont add those :) its just that i have wayyy too many romance to add to the list. but yea! do whatever you want with it and i hope you find some good recommendations. i'll update it this week with the things i've read in the last 2 months :) also ignore the emojis bcs thats stuff with my friend haha