That is such a stupid answer. So noone can say their opinion unless it's a good one? I can't with all this crap, ofc I don't wanna read it, I'm still gonna judge the horrible scan. And the thing is, BECAUSE we express our dislike towards this, the scan group will prolly drop it and another one which we will be more satisfied with will take it up

We didn't post it here in the first place, just don't read it and act like entitled little assholes who think people OWE them scanlation. Nobody owes you shit and I'm happy the watermarks ruined it for you. Good thing you're pissed off. It hurt to put those watermarks on there, but reading how butthurt you are, seeing how disgustingly bratty you act makes my day.
You were never meant to read this, because, again, WE DIDN'T UPLOAD IT HERE! so shut the fuck up.

Y’all KNOW it’s going to end up here so don’t give me that shit. It doesn’t matter where y’all post it, it’s the attitude you have towards those who can’t afford to buy. That’s being a dick. I buy when I can and read for free. So you can suck my strap-on. You are not high and fucking mighty. We alllllll know y’all do this for free. Just tone the Shot down and take the watermarks off or drop the title. Plain and simple. I’ve waited years for manga to be updated, I can wait some more.

By how resentful you are acting using petty adjectives and being overall low, I don't think you can reasonably think. You keep saying the same shit, we obviously aren't owed something, does that mean you (the scanlators) are the king of the world and you can't take damn critisism? Please act more maturely, respectfully explain yourself ONLY ONCE AND NOT ON EVERY SINGLE COMMENT and be on your way. You are the only one starting shit rn

Not gonna argue with butthurt kids that twist my words, trying to make me look like the worst person on earth because they dont get what they want and throw a tantrum.
Even when I wasn't a scanlator, I always understood that those people shared their work with us readers out of kindness, not because they had to, and I was happy about it. but seeing how demanding and disgustingly rude people have become, I'm remembered one of the reasons I stopped doing this. Have a nice life.
I get that you want us to buy the copies but you don't need to ruin the ability of people to read, if they can't afford it.
If you got a problem with it than don't uploaded, don't go do us favours claiming you are doing it for the sake of that people could follow up the storyline