THE SHADOWS ARE SO CUTE PLEASE and also that big hunter that was trapped in something for 20 years, is he jinwoos dad? i don’t mind if someone spoils it for me in the comments lol
urmm...I might be wrong.. but isn't it confirmed already? I mean if I'm not mistaken.. someone in the webtoon(i don't remember who) says somethin abt his name(I think he also got the same family name as sjw) and his bg profile which is related to the hunter sjw?
urmm...I might be wrong.. but isn't it confirmed already? I mean if I'm not mistaken.. someone in the webtoon(i don't remember who) says somethin abt his name(I think he also got the same family name as sjw) a... fujoshi des(;ω;)
The father himself confirms it, also that’s why the little brother of the other s tier dude tried to fight his dad and label him as a monster
The father himself confirms it, also that’s why the little brother of the other s tier dude tried to fight his dad and label him as a monster Raizel7224
ahh right! i knew it ! ik that the things has already been confirmed but I don't remember how lol... thanks for the information tho! idk why I forget all of that... but thx again
The father himself confirms it, also that’s why the little brother of the other s tier dude tried to fight his dad and label him as a monster Raizel7224
Ooh do you know when he meets his dad in the novel? like soon or a not for a long time it’s okay if you don’t know lol i’m just frustrated cause he doesn’t know his dad is here yet
THE SHADOWS ARE SO CUTE PLEASE and also that big hunter that was trapped in something for 20 years, is he jinwoos dad? i don’t mind if someone spoils it for me in the comments lol