wait. am i not allowed to have an opinion on manga now? I get what you’re saying but let people enjoy a character if they want to and let people dislike a character if they want to. (stop gatekeeping BL? More fans is better than none right? Why should you be superior cause you were here first?¿) The only fans that are really causing a disturbance are the ones who are associating BL with real life situations and the ones who are spreading mangago around. I understand your anger but it isn’t being a “diva”, its having an opinion- the other points i agree with tho. Please thank the translators and scandalators for their hard work. Again, this isn’t supposed to insult you in any way. I just wanna let you know that that’s a pretty twisted way of placing a tag on people :D Let’s just all try n enjoy the BL together as a community and discuss things thoroughly? If you hate those comments so much, skipping them or dropping a dislike is always an option...

You have misunderstood what I'm saying and my point. And for one, I DID thank the uploaders and translators. And did you read the word "Then" those are the people that goes happy one sec and THEN next are dramatic. Ofc you are allowed to have an opinion, but this is what the old community and the new community differs. Like it or not, they still thanked the author for their work. And how am I supposed to say describe my "opinion" if I don't set an example? Words like most, some, etc can't describe it. And I guess, your new to this community which I hope is the complete opposite from the others. And just like you said, them being "diva" is them putting their fantasies to the author's work instead, instead of having an "opinion" and did you ever once give the author's a thank you or a benefit of a doubt to their works? Oh and I'm not only talking about BL, I meant all types of genre. Where girl characters are portrayed as damsel in distress, and the cliche horror stories and the usual plot lines. Authors use them because its in demand. I think you take this in a wrong direction honey bear. ( ̄へ ̄)More fans are welcome of course, but the main point of this, is DON'T OVERDO IT. There's a reason why its fiction.

wait wait- I feel like we’re on the same wavelength but we’re just misunderstanding each other. Okay so thanking authors/translators/scanners=good and most fans do that these days but i agree that some people are really getting annoying with their “this is translated wrong” etcetc. Forcing fiction onto reality= bad, should not happen Overly dramatic fans?¿= i dont really have an opinion on them but i can see how the difference in opinions could be super annoying sometimes. (just to defend myself here, I’m not accusing you of not thanking the authors and I myself do that a lot too) but still in conclusion i dont think separating “new” and “old” readers is a good idea. I thank you for keeping the site amazing and for making it what it is today, but you can’t just...group it? Like idk man, fans are fans. Who cares when you joined lol. More people=more people i can chat with about a manhwa/manhua/manga that i like. BUT LIKE I SEE WHAT YOU ARE SAYING . I understand that there are some uh, extreme fans, right now. There are way more than probably when you first started reading. So i’m not insulting you- or im not TRYING to. Does this comment even make sense?

Nahhh, I think your the one misunderstanding here. I think you don't get who I'm giving a huge shout out for. Like I said, the old community is just appreciative and has differences, so does the new community but with more "opinionated" Its not the READERS I'm seperating, but the community era (I guess you won't understand this because your new at this site) the old community is just chill and vibing everywhere, and really don't take the reality world in, compare to some new community, well I guess you figure that out. Again, I think there's nothing wrong with me saying OLD vs NEW (maybe this just triggers you) we are all readers, but at the same time there's a line. Let me put it this way. When there's a debate, there are two sides. YES or NO. The same as top or bottom. If you go back to the past comments of some old mangas here, you'll see that not every opinion is too much. The same as when given a question which do you like most a place where everything is okay, have some issues, but no major outbacks or a place that is okay, but everything is too much out of proportion. I think the reason why there's a line is for others to see the differences, and most people usually go for the latter option. In simple words, which life do you prefer? A life with covid or without covid? And people do care when you joined, because you'll know who is spreading the site around. And I guess some of the people who liked my comment miss the old mangago too.
Shout out to those people who reads on mangago for almost 10 years. The era of pure right to left, black and white pages, where the popular ones are from Naono Bohra, Chitose Piyoko, Minami haruka, Sadahiro Mika, Nitta Youka and others too. Where the mangago community is okay about everything. They read the manga, put out their thoughts and others are thankful for it. Maybe that is why, for some others, other stories for them (whom to some people find it not "suits" their taste) are okay. Because they appreciate the author and no more getting b*tchy in the comments. Because they just read it, and if they liked it, they will read it again.
And today, mangago is full of some "very" open minded people. If you don't know any old mangas here, then you're probably from the webtoon/manhwa era. If your reading list is full of webtoon/manhwa, then its most likely you're new here. And to some of those people are a real pain in the ass or to these community. Ungrateful, opinionated, diva and so on. This are the people who is:
1. Omg! The characters are so cute. They are so perfect. Then;
2. What the hell is wrong with this characters?!?! Then;
3. This character is a loser. This character, that character. Then;
4. Why is the translator so bad? I can't understand it! Then;
5. Go read it elsewhere, not here (which many of us get it, like literally its on our mind, but there's a reason why we're on this site)
Sigh this people. And don't get me started to those who puts mangago's name anywhere.
Sigh. So shout out to the old mangago community for being the nice level of being open minded and to those new readers who is the complete opposite of what I just said.
Shout out to the uploaders, and translators. Which I think one of the reasons they do it, so they can promote the manga/webtoon/manhwa out there. Because, English audience is huge.
Shout out to my haters as well! You deserve all the credit (︶︿︶)=凸