People complaining about him killing innocents is so funny to me, cause like. You do reali...

JessFS January 12, 2021 11:21 pm

People complaining about him killing innocents is so funny to me, cause like. You do realise that every humanoid creature he killed until now are pretty much humans with different features? They have language, have a society, they use tools, they have intelligence, they have personalities and families and etc. And the MC himself proved that less inteligent and more barbaric races have evolution potential, since he himself drew that potential from the goblin community. So haven't he pretty much being killing "innocent" humans since the very beggining? Cause even if their morals differ from ours, in their eyes they where just living their daily lives like normal and were suddenly slaughtered by this weird Goblin/Orc/Lord.
Also, he's being killing to acquire skills since his previous life. He's being indifferent towards strangers since the very first chapter (Kichi and Mi-chan where disposable pawns in his eyes until he saw their potential and later became attached. And even the rest of the community, he litteraly said he didn't care if they all died in some ch in the beggining). He was always very open about that. He's cruel, but necessarily evil. He's unapologetic about killing, but has his own set of morals and bottom line. It's a very complex gray area.
Besides, isn't this exactly the "charm" of this story? There's dozens of story's showing the human perspective, but I'm here to see the point of view a "monster".

Anyways, I'm really sad I already caught up with the latest release, so if you guys know of similar stories, please recommend me (/TДT)/

    JessFS January 12, 2021 11:25 pm

    He's cruel but NOT necessarily evil**

    JessFS January 12, 2021 11:32 pm

    I also just realised i mixed Ogre and Orc Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Fujoshi bitch January 15, 2021 9:27 pm

    I like him the way he is and feel like his mindset is quite realistic with his own survival as top priority which changes later on as he builds closer relationships

    JessFS January 15, 2021 10:51 pm
    I like him the way he is and feel like his mindset is quite realistic with his own survival as top priority which changes later on as he builds closer relationships Fujoshi bitch

    Yes, I like it too! His individualistic and sometimes cruel actions don't actually bother me because, like you said, it's realistic. I rather read about someone real, whose actions I can rationalise (and sometimes simpathize), that those nice, goody two shoes MCs, cause I simply can't understand their actions and a lot of times they are illogical. Tho I gotta say, I don't like overly selfish and cruel MCs either. There's gotta be a balance, and reason behind their actions, and to me Re:Monster accomplishes that perfectly.

    Aiime January 26, 2021 3:24 pm

    I like stories like this but it's so hard to find mc that are like genuinely morally gray. It's annoying if there's a MC who wants to save everybody and magically does it despite being naive and ignorant. In my opinion, these are the best type of mc because they're not a bland piece of goody good garbage

    JessFS February 6, 2021 10:16 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Your son

    Eating things and other beings gives him skills, and therefore optimize his chances of survival. He loves to fight but doesn't necessarily draw pleasure from the act of killing and inflicting pain. He's a practical person, who always have a reason for what he does.

    So yes, in my eyes he is morally gray and I don't see him as excessively cruel. Even if he was, it would only be by 21st century human society's standards, but I don't think the same can be said when you take his society and context into account.

    JessFS February 7, 2021 1:35 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Your son

    Oh, I'm not gonna argue against that. Yes, sex slavery IS bad and I don't stand by it either.

    But again, you're judging him by 21st century humans standards. Let's remember he was a goblin born from a human sex slave (wich means that's something common in the culture/world he was born into). Even if he shares some few human beliefs because of his past life, that society wasn't our 21st century human society, so morals and common aren't equal to ours either.

    And also, even tho he also emphasized on the girls, let's remember that he also turned the males into sex slaves. And that all of them were prisioners of war (it doesn't justify what he's done, but it's not something new, as world history can tell).

    All in all, this is a story about a monster, from a monster's perspective, in a completely different world and context, so I don't see why judge him as if he's a human with the same background as a human from our society.

    JessFS February 7, 2021 2:16 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Your son

    I find it much more real this portrayal of reincarnation, where his new life isn't reigned by his past life and it's morals/rules. He's a being formed by the fusion of both lifes, and that's makes him be who he is.

    I mentioned the male slaves because you talked as if he were only slaving women, and that would give it a worker connotation, when it is not the full picture.

    Now, can you please get off my mentions? Let's agree to disagree. I don't even understand why you escavated my comment from weeks ago just to vent your grievances. If you don't like the story, don't read it. If you disagree with me, leave a dislike and comment once if you must, but stop being a bother, please.

    JessFS February 7, 2021 2:42 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Your son

    I'm responding because I'm being tagged, and in the beggining I legit thought it was someone who also liked the manga and wanted to discuss about it. If that was the case, I wouldn't mind someone digging my old comment. But you're here just for arguments sake and I'm tired, so please stop.