
Re; January 12, 2021 7:22 pm

So the mother knew she was going to die and decided to have a child?? Why

    Woke Fujoshi January 12, 2021 9:18 pm

    Ikr? Choices.

    kikyou January 12, 2021 9:37 pm

    idk maybe she wanted to know the feeling of being a mother

    Ahk January 12, 2021 9:37 pm

    It was stated that she really wanted a family, but then later found out that she has a terminal illness.
    Some people just really want kids and a family and to have that experience, ya know?

    Re; January 12, 2021 10:14 pm
    idk maybe she wanted to know the feeling of being a mother kikyou

    Yeah but in my opinion this is kinda selfish, like why

    Re; January 12, 2021 10:16 pm
    It was stated that she really wanted a family, but then later found out that she has a terminal illness.Some people just really want kids and a family and to have that experience, ya know? Ahk

    Well I feel like she should have endure that feeling even if she really wanted to, like it’s not only about you but about someone’s (her child) life :( but again I can’t really understand that feeling so maybe it’s was really hard

    Ahk January 12, 2021 10:21 pm
    Well I feel like she should have endure that feeling even if she really wanted to, like it’s not only about you but about someone’s (her child) life :( but again I can’t really understand that feeling so ... Re;

    I mean, she probably did endure it though? Just the seme in the story wanted to at least help her in a way.
    When you're like that and someone gives you hope to fulfill 1 wish before you die, idk a lot of people would take it. Seme probably assure her that he'll take care of their kid well after she passes and other emotional stuff too.

    You're not wrong to argue that it's selfish but well, humans be humans. In the end, all of our actions can be argued that has some level of selfishness in them. It's understandable

    kikyou January 12, 2021 10:40 pm
    Yeah but in my opinion this is kinda selfish, like why Re;

    i think she knew herself that it was a selfish request but it was her final wish so

    kikyou January 12, 2021 10:41 pm
    i think she knew herself that it was a selfish request but it was her final wish so kikyou

    she was probably desperate

    Re; January 12, 2021 11:11 pm
    I mean, she probably did endure it though? Just the seme in the story wanted to at least help her in a way.When you're like that and someone gives you hope to fulfill 1 wish before you die, idk a lot of people ... Ahk

    Oh right I didn’t focus about the seme, it’s kinda makes sense more
    And yes all our actions are measured that way probably!
    Thank you for the nice interaction :)

    Re; January 12, 2021 11:12 pm
    i think she knew herself that it was a selfish request but it was her final wish so kikyou

    :( I’m pretty sure it was hard and sad for both the mother and the child :(