i didn't like the part when hinata was sexually harassed as a child and his bestfriend was...

kie January 12, 2021 5:38 pm

i didn't like the part when hinata was sexually harassed as a child and his bestfriend wasn't there to help him get through it. Other than that, i think it's pretty accurate. I'm a pansexual teenage girl, and i'm so scared to come out to anyone. My closest friends might be disgusted with me and I had a homophobic experience with a guy i loved so much that it left me traumatized. It's really scary and the people complaining that it's taking too long or that the story is stupid clearly hasn't experienced being discriminated against becaue of being who they are.

    heartily February 19, 2021 6:02 pm

    I think the sexual harassment part was half-assed, it was used as a plot device. I'd expect the black-haired boy (ssry i quickly forgot their names) to be more affected by it but this was more on the light-haired boy's conflicting emotions. It was good angst tho, still like it.