Dude mind your own fucking business...seriously...you're starting to annoy the fuck out of...

kickassfu October 21, 2015 2:18 pm

Dude mind your own fucking business...seriously...you're starting to annoy the fuck out of me. Honestly I don't even feel like reading the rest of the manga because of just one fucking character. But I know I'll read it anyway...

    Anonymous October 21, 2015 3:05 pm

    Well I mean there are more annoying characters out there. From the few scenes he's had I see him as the blunt friend who is just offering his advice and help. He isn't going after the seme but rather just wants to be friends back in America. And the whole moving out thing was going to happen eventually; I think he was nice to find such a cheap apartment and it's not like he was forceful. Just blunt, he even said something like "you said you were going to move out right". Not forceful or annoying per say just trying to help frankly. Wants to make sure his friend isn't hurt again but at the same time he isn't overly invasive.

    kickassfu October 21, 2015 3:17 pm

    Oh I know there are more annoying characters xD So much so that I do drop mangas because of them...but this one is bugging me even if he hasn't done anything much. Maybe it's because he's going behind his friend's back, maybe it's because he's hurting the uke's feelings over and over again. It's awful, he lost his house...that shit takes its toll on someone, and when he finally starts feeling comfortable and happy he just swoops in and destroys all that. And I'm not sure if he's trying to help at all...I do think he's going after the seme. In my opinion he is being way overly invasive, how can you say he's not? If a "friend" of mine went behind my back and hurt the person I loved, I'd be fucking pissed. And even if the moving out thing was eventually gonna happen, it's really none of his business.
    Btw I don't want to seem rude or forceful, I'm just stating my opinion lol we all have a right to an opinion, ours are just different.

    Oat October 21, 2015 8:42 pm

    I agree. He has crossed the friend line with his invasiveness.

    kickassfu October 21, 2015 8:50 pm

    Thanks for agreeing with me Oat :) I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who feels that way!