Spoiler Part 2 hehe
Yeon-woo has a niece omoooooooooo.. It's Cha Jeon-woo's child. Not the child with his lover but with someone else. Also a party member who is secretly inlove with him ahhhhh.... Yeon-woo is sooooooo sweet and caring to the kid. He literally melts everytime his with the kid. And you cannot see his cold indifferent face attitude at allllll... Kywahhhhh he is sooooo soooo handsomeeee.

The mother phoenix died but don't worry, she'll be reincarnated again. All other baby phoenix died as well except for the youngest one whom was injured and close to dying if not for Yeon-woo's immediate action. The youngest one will be the reason why Yeon-woo succeeded in completing the Quest.
As for the egg that was given, it will be hatched as soon as Yeon-woo killed the betrayers. (Only two died tho). It is Jeon-woo's partner animal that will be hatched so yeah.
So yeah, in some time later, by stage/level 30 or something. Cha Jeong-Woo is back yeyyyyyy!!! Ehem, he did not die but died eyyy. Is it confusing? But that's literally it. Jeong -woo was imprisoned ahhh and in the pocket watch at that!!!! The one Yeon-woo is carrying all the timeeeeeee....... It wasssss sooo exciting. Coz Jeon-woo died countlessssss times and reborn back and back again but with sad and painful ending all the timeeeeeee...... It was so heart-breaking uwuuu. I cried a river that time. Also when Yeon-woo tried to touch Yeon-woo so he can come back and woke up from the endless dreams that he had ahh so touching yahh .... Anyways, by the latest one that I was reading. Hmmm, Yeon-woo is planning and hoarding again yeyyyy, he wants to become a GOD. (*v//*) and Yeon-woo has another secret that he didn't tell Jeon-woo. Ahhhh their lives is so heartbreaking and so touching....