I'm going to repeat what I said before a long time ago:

Lost-Fudanshi October 20, 2015 5:52 pm

The seme hasn't changed, he's just hibernating. All it will take is one little misunderstanding-such as Hatsuki getting home late one night, and the seme will think he's cheating on him and fly into a rage again. Hatsukoi will probably be in and out of the ER regularly for the rest of his life -which probably won't last long because the seme will probably kill him during one of his rage sessions, within a few years of them living together. This is what happens to real life abuse victims, and I hate that this story glamorizes it.

    takame October 22, 2015 5:31 pm

    the seme seriously needs psychological therapy, good Lord. *huffs. that's the first thing the uke should do

    Lost-Fudanshi December 30, 2015 3:59 pm
    the seme seriously needs psychological therapy, good Lord. *huffs. that's the first thing the uke should do takame

    I know this is just fiction, but sometimes it's impossible for me to detach myself from the fact that this stuff is marketed primarily toward Teen Girls, and I really wonder what some of the authors are thinking with that in mind...??