
This is the perfect comment. I understand where he was coming from completely. I still was put off by the fact that he chose gyu-tae especially after the way he treated him but I also was glad he didn’t get back with Best Boy Because that was toxic. Neither one of them got what they needed from each other but I really couldn’t stand gyu tae I disliked him until almost the very end and I only tolerate him now.
Look... I get that a LOT of people hate jeonghan, and yea his lack of communication was hella annoying, but I still understand him. Not getting the kind of love and support you actually NEED for that many years would hurt, especially if you have to deal with all of that homophobia alone (trust me.... my mental state wouldn't be nearly as good now if I didn't have loved ones helping me cope with homophobia), the whole thing was his journey of taking control of his love life for what seems like the first time in years. Yea I hated the main couple and love Kangwoo but at least have some sympathy for jeonghan..