Love Triangle Rec

bluemnm January 12, 2021 5:15 am

As LoH is closer to the end, if you are into love-triangle trope and need another thing to read, check out Hatemate. It is hella funny yet full of melodrama. And the most important thing is it has been COMPLETED, so no fan war and anxiety. You can just enjoy it in one go.


I’m not saying that story line is the same as this, but in a way, the “Taku” char in that one ends up with the “Haesoo” char. I find it interesting to compare and contrast Hatemate and LoH and see how similar yet different they are.

    bluemnm January 12, 2021 6:10 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Miss Wishy-washy

    Whaa I didn’t know about the change of plan in the middle. But with or without that knowledge, I enjoyed HM as it was. I personally found Soobin and Kangjun pairing more entertaining and easier to root for. Both Soobin and Hyunwoo were both too emotional and hot headed for any romance to actually happen. But again, it might have been written that way because the author changed their mind mid way. What irked me more about the ending was that Haesoo loved one person but ended up with another one instead of resolving his feeling completely. It is realistic, but I admit I were already Kangjun’s biased to it was easier for me to accept it. Regardless, variety is good, I appreciate where LoH is going and how HM did as well. So just wanna share it here in case someone want to check it out (⌒▽⌒)

    BeeTee January 12, 2021 10:50 am

    I see what you're saying with Hate Mate,, like in the sense that the mc ends up with the second lead (aka the "taku" character).
    I always felt like the ending in Hate Mate felt right with the events of that story. Maybe not at the start, since at the start I really thought he'd be with the main guy as that is how most BL stories go lol. But as it progressed it felt more and more hopeless for them ig. However with LOH, it was practically the opposite feeling. The first season kinda seemed hopless for Joohae, and all the answers seemed to point to Taku. But now... the endgame pairing makes total sense to me. And it's not at all changeable-- unless we cut out like a ton of the events in the final season and the former half of season 2. Taku being endgame was probably only possible till like halfway, or at most two thirds into the story?? And then it started moving in a definite direction to Joowon endgame.

    Between comparing those two manhwa ... it honestly probably boils down to their main leads. Joowon's love for Haesoo is not at all comparable to how Hyunwoo was with Subin. Just my opinion tho~

    your peanut butter jar January 12, 2021 3:33 pm

    i loved hate mate. it was so realistic in a sense that i found myself in their shoes; in a relationship that happens in modern time. the lingering emptiness i felt in the ending had its charm for the fact that it stayed true to how relationships actually are; no matter if you're gay, straight, or even married, if you feel that it's over it will be over. because not everyone can live life content and in the arms of a lover. because not everyone is meant to live steady. and that's better off than lying to yoursef that you're happy being with this person when in all truth you'd rather be on your own.

    i honestly did not for a second expect hyunwoo to end up with subin so i was glad he didn't. because in REALITY, if you have even the slightest bit of self-respect and rationality, you wouldn't want to submit yoursef to the guy who wasn't willing to push through all the inconsistencies and be with you. it was understandeable that hyunwoo was inexperienced considering he wasn't gay; but the fact that he lied about having sex, and constantly pushed subin away because he was undecided, just proves it wouldn't have worked out anyway. don't commit to someone who can't commit to you.

    bluemnm January 12, 2021 5:41 pm
    I see what you're saying with Hate Mate,, like in the sense that the mc ends up with the second lead (aka the "taku" character). I always felt like the ending in Hate Mate felt right with the events of that sto... BeeTee

    Totally agree with everything you said. Joowon and Hyunwoo were very different characters. Joowon was aware of his feeling for Haesoo but downplayed it as a way to protect both of them. On the other hand, Hyunwoo could not even face his feelings and sexuality. Hyunwoo needed to mature and develop a sense of himself first, before anything romantic could happen between him and Subin. Meanwhile, Subin is not obligated to wait for Hyunwoo’s growth, so it made sense that he found comfort in Jun’s maturity and learnt to love him back.

    Hate Mate was quite distinct from other webtoons as its ending was quite opened. Even though we saw Jun and Subin together at the end, there was no promise for a happy ever after. I think in the world that they lived, there might be a chance that Hyunwoo would eventually found himself, came back to Korea, and made it happen with Subin. But I believe the possibility would be low. Based on the characters’ interviews given at the very end, Kang Jun seemed to really want to make his relationship with Subin work. Despite Subin’s uncertain view about the future, I think Jun’s determination would be the glue that kept binding them tight. But life is unpredictable. We saw a glimpse of their life through the story, but we will never really know what happened to them after the story ended. It is up to the readers’ interpretation at that point.

    Someone mentioned that the author changed the pairing halfway, which I can see happened. Maybe Hyunwoo’s realization somehow came before everything became so hopeless. But even in that case, considering Subin and Hyunwoo’s personality, i think at most they would have an on-again off-again relationship. At least when they were 23 years old. And perhaps something more stable might happen as they became more mature. I don’t think either that hypothetical ending or the actual one is better than the other. It was a creative choice the author had to make, and we as readers just have to respect their decision and enjoy the story as it is ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    bluemnm January 12, 2021 6:08 pm
    i loved hate mate. it was so realistic in a sense that i found myself in their shoes; in a relationship that happens in modern time. the lingering emptiness i felt in the ending had its charm for the fact that ... your peanut butter jar

    I agree. I think Hate Mate just acquired taste. The story depicted reality, so there was always a sense of uncertainty lingering until the last panel. There was no complete sense of satisfaction offered through a happy ever after ending that many traditional stories do.

    I also really like how smoothly the author combined the serious melancholic tone and the crazy sense of humor. It made the story more appealing and relatable.

    BeeTee January 12, 2021 6:44 pm
    Totally agree with everything you said. Joowon and Hyunwoo were very different characters. Joowon was aware of his feeling for Haesoo but downplayed it as a way to protect both of them. On the other hand, Hyunw... bluemnm

    well said well said~
    Hate Mate does leave a lingering bittersweetness, due to the open ended feeling you described. I adored it but it's definitely not that all round "everything is perfect" sort of story. i actually felt for hyunwoo around the end, because of all his regret and the things he never got to say. but hey that's life. even if the author changed the story, i felt that it turned out good. who knows, maybe their original story idea would be decent too. we'll never know i guess, and we can only judge what we see in front of us so yeah~

    Iloveyou26 January 15, 2021 6:01 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Miss Wishy-washy

    reading your comment makes me love LoH author more. jowoon is the best

    Tortugas January 16, 2021 3:25 am

    I loved Hate Mate, but I’d say literally nothing is similar to LOH other than it’s a yaoi with 3 male characters. It never even felt like it was much of a triangle, other than maybe on an emotional level.

    bluemnm January 17, 2021 12:18 am
    I loved Hate Mate, but I’d say literally nothing is similar to LOH other than it’s a yaoi with 3 male characters. It never even felt like it was much of a triangle, other than maybe on an emotional level. Tortugas

    It might be up to individual interpretation. I personally find these two more similar compared to other love triangle webtoons out there as they are both about two initial characters A and B who had a long history together and a third new coming character C. A and B could have developed a romantic relationship but did not because of various reasons, then C came in and started a sexual relationship with A, which consequently stirred up A and B’s chemistry.

    But of course each story has more nuance and layers, and that is where LoH and HM diverge. I love both stories. My comparison is not meant to favor one over another, more like to appreciate how much both authors’ creative choices help make their works unique and drive the stories to certain endingsヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Tortugas January 17, 2021 2:11 am
    It might be up to individual interpretation. I personally find these two more similar compared to other love triangle webtoons out there as they are both about two initial characters A and B who had a long hist... bluemnm

    I get what you’re saying, and I hope you didn’t think I was being antagonistic as that wasn’t my intention!
    It’s been a long time since I read Hate Mate, but my impression was that it was a more believable dynamic that can happen between gay and straight guy friends. Like straight** guy was fully aware that gay guy loved him and would do anything for him, and that gave him a sense of power and superiority. But I don’t feel like sexual or romantic feeling was ever fully reciprocated, even though there was some sexual activity once or twice? Like he was always after the woman friend, and I’m sure he would have continued with her if she’d have had him. In the end, I think he acutely felt a sense of loss because he couldn’t connect with anyone (as a partner) in any meaningful way. And wasn’t straight**guy having a fling with some other man at the end? He just seemed so lost. There were a lot of realistic compromises all around. Anyway, I agree that both stories are well worth reading!
    (**referring to straight and gay above purely to simplify different characters, definitely not meant as a referendum on their sexuality.)

    BeeTee January 17, 2021 4:04 am
    I get what you’re saying, and I hope you didn’t think I was being antagonistic as that wasn’t my intention!It’s been a long time since I read Hate Mate, but my impression was that it was a more believab... Tortugas

    I think "straight" man was just learning that sexuality is a spectrum over the course of the story, and he simply couldn't accept it. like he always thought he was straight, and yes he probably still MAINLY likes women. but after he slept with the mc, even before the mc left him, i think he liked him. he was just deeply in denial. i just think the mc leaving meant he actually had to face his feelings for once. that's why he ends up having a fling (were they sleeping tgt? it seemed like it, but idk??) with the ex bf lol.

    Tortugas January 17, 2021 5:41 am
    I think "straight" man was just learning that sexuality is a spectrum over the course of the story, and he simply couldn't accept it. like he always thought he was straight, and yes he probably still MAINLY lik... BeeTee

    I see how it could be interpreted that way. For me, it felt less about sexuality per se and more about his realization that his gay friend was the only one with whom he ever had a meaningful bond. I just didn’t see anything coming from him that really looked like raw desire, but more specifically a longing for connection. Maybe he half-heartedly hoped to recreate that feeling with the ex-boyfriend as a substitute, equating “gayness” with connection.

    BeeTee January 17, 2021 6:40 am
    I see how it could be interpreted that way. For me, it felt less about sexuality per se and more about his realization that his gay friend was the only one with whom he ever had a meaningful bond. I just didn�... Tortugas

    oh that's an interesting interpretation. yeah I see what youre saying. maybe he was in fact just lonely because subin was the most meaningful connection he had in his life,, platonic or not. and why he tries to recreate that connection by going with another man.

    bluemnm January 18, 2021 2:07 am
    I get what you’re saying, and I hope you didn’t think I was being antagonistic as that wasn’t my intention!It’s been a long time since I read Hate Mate, but my impression was that it was a more believab... Tortugas

    Very good points. Thanks for sharing!