Really? Who cuts the chapter off right in the middle of a love scene? :(

LostFudanshi7 October 20, 2015 3:47 pm

Really? Who cuts the chapter off right in the middle of a love scene? :(

    Addicted~ October 20, 2015 10:36 pm

    Yup... I was just thinking the same thing. >_<

    kmizuno October 21, 2015 6:18 am

    ditto. LOL. But I guess that's how Takanaga-sensei splits her story arcs into. Most volumes of the Koisuru manga follow the patterns of:

    Chapter 1 - introduction. Morinaga usually does something or a character is introduced to start the plot.

    Chapter 2 - Morinaga reads too much into something or they get into an argument...something happens to move the plot along

    Chapter 3 - They talk or they do something about things but it's still not resolved.

    Chapter 4 - some more talking (seriously, these 2 needs to talk to each other more.) They resolve it and have sex to make up... One of them always has something to confirm or to confess (but they put it away until after sex, because serious relationship matters can wait until after sex)

    Chapter 5 - The real conclusion of the arc. Some things get cleared up about their relationship, Morinaga is assured about something, Souichi becomes more aware of Morinaga. Chapter where some far-off trouble/dilemma is introduced and Souichi's feelings are still not clear. Still no "tyrant falls in love" and it's when the readers start praying and hoping that the next arc would have more relationship development between the two of them.