honestly when i see joowon hate in the comments at this point in the story it just makes m...

wonuyaaa January 11, 2021 9:55 am

honestly when i see joowon hate in the comments at this point in the story it just makes me scratch my head. like...??? this man been self-reflecting for nearly 40 chapters, and then got into a car crash i-

I swear there are more moments of Joowon in pain (physically, mentally, etc), through these 97 chapters, more than any other character :'D I mean he...

-took a slap from haesoo's mom, just to take the heat off of haesoo
-almost got suspended and lost his acting debut for haesoo
-got yelled at by his dad after the high school fight
-abandoned by haesoo after divorce— this wasn’t haesoo’s choice but it still hurt jw
-was neglected by his dad ever since his mom died
-has the public's eyes and pressure constantly on him (it said in the story that he would literally run to haesoo for support when things got too much for him)
-told by haesoo that he never wants to see him again... when jw literally has no one else there for him except his manager lmao
-constantly chasing haesoo, calling him, telling him he misses him— only to be ignored or lied to // haesoo really believed JW was not genuine in his feelings or just wanted to hook up,, while joowon said stuff like how he just wanted to cuddle HS while sleeping pls lol
-when haesoo blames joowon/their relationship for the losses in his life + punches him T.T that part really hurt damn
-got crucified by the public and had his huge acting gig dropped just to protect haesoo
-injured his hand pretty badly with glass when taku started saying manipulative shit to him about feeling “loss"
-almost d worded in a car accident
-his whole depressing monologue: “Romance is fleeting. Reality endures. Happiness seems imaginary while sadness knows no bounds. That’s why I wanted us to stay young forever.”
-second depressing monologue: “I didn’t want to ruin things, and I was lonely. So when I felt suffocated I’d run to Haesoo."
-another depressing jw monologue: “I was too young to know that reality is different from a screenplay. No happy endings, no perfect situations."

Also... honestly I do love Haesoo in his own right, and I KNOW he had his reasons for doing some of the things he did to joowon in the story. even if they were wrong~ like umm: emotionally manipulating jw to make him jealous and angry. or you know: saying he wants joowon to suffer. multiple times. but i can't recall a real situation where joowon intentionally hurts haesoo. he was literally trying to protect him and protect their relationship, and made some mistakes along the way. he let his immaturity/arrogance blind him to notice those mistakes. As a joowonist, it hurt to see him get hurt over and over, but I am glad he had well written and BELIEVABLE character growth ╥﹏╥

    lovemelikeyoudo✨✨✨ January 11, 2021 12:02 pm

    jowoon deserve everything

    Tortugas January 11, 2021 1:21 pm

    Yes! All the scorn heaped on Joowon makes me love him even more fiercely, because it’s so misplaced. I try to be as open-minded as possible when interpreting fiction, but this story is really not that complicated. I can only surmise that one of two things accounts for it:
    1.) many aren’t reading it, or have only read selectively from the start, or are following along like zombies on social media; and / or
    2.) joowon is yaoi’s whipping boy. He’s taking all of the punishment for every abuse or slight committed by every “seme”. “Don’t fall for me” or Haesoo’s mixed feelings about a bj, or just simple arrogance, are magnified and sweepingly castigated unlike any other character. The story plainly shows that Joowon sacrificed so much, recognized his mistakes and changed, and unconditionally loves Haesoo. He wants Haesoo to be happy, even if it’s not with him- and it’s still not enough?
    Vanishingly few “semes” could meet these standards!

    wonuyaaa January 11, 2021 5:38 pm
    Yes! All the scorn heaped on Joowon makes me love him even more fiercely, because it’s so misplaced. I try to be as open-minded as possible when interpreting fiction, but this story is really not that complic... Tortugas

    EXACTLY!!! Literally, if I had to pick out some of the most misunderstood characters in BL, he would be up there. The car scene between them is always misunderstood too. Anyway, he did so much for Haesoo's sake, even let him go ffs, and somehow part of the audience is so deadset on villainizing him because they dont properly read and just want to treat their manipulative fav as the "saviour" character. Yep. Joowon is in fact one of my all time fav semes in BL, and rightfully so.

    wonuyaaa January 11, 2021 5:46 pm
    jowoon deserve everything lovemelikeyoudo✨✨✨

    he really does ;;

    BeeTee January 11, 2021 8:16 pm

    aw this comment hurt my heart ;^;
    joowon has always been the better developed and written character. and i grew to love him more and more as the story progressed. he's easy to sympathize with, and and vvv genuine-- joowonists are always superior :)))

    wonuyaaa January 12, 2021 2:56 am
    aw this comment hurt my heart ;^;joowon has always been the better developed and written character. and i grew to love him more and more as the story progressed. he's easy to sympathize with, and and vvv genuin... BeeTee

    yeah!! that's literally exactly what i've been saying :D understanding joowon's point of view and the difficult situation he was in, i did in fact sympathize with him. he had legitimate reasons for his actions and did what he thought was right. he went through a lot in the story!
    unlike another certain character in this story who just did things cause he was "curious" and had fun playing around with ppl (  ̄△ ̄)