My love for this story is beyond control just like how Lucius loves pol
But I may not continue to read the manwha since I don't want to go through that emotional rollercoaster again so I'm putting it on hold and I'll come back for it when I'm ready to feel the pain once again from the start
And I'm saying this from my expierence in reading the novel
It didn't have any pics or anything but it was so detailed and it hurt me this much
I have never felt so my pain in my life
I know it would hurt more if I read this story as a webtoon with pics not as a novel
It hurts
I hope I recover right away.. I have a tournament to participate in later and this story affected my mood by alot
Ah and btw I have the link for the novel
No need to pay and its translated in english
Tell me if u want the link I'll give u
Or u can either just search it up in Google

My love for this story is alot
Just as much as Lucius love pol
I don't want to go through that emotional rollercoaster again so i'm gonna put this story on hold
I'll come back when I can handle the pain or when I have moved on so I can read it again
It just hurts so much
I have the link for the novel btw
It has been translated to English and it has a total of 362 chaps
Tell me if u want the link I'll put the link here in the replies
If u want to read the novel I recommend u reading it from the start :)
Im not a patient person but I read 300+ chaps cuz I love this story so much but I was really disappointed with the ending result tho ;-;

Yeahh I was disappointed in the ending as well a part of me didnt want her to end up with Lucius as in the novel he was a bit too arrogant for my tastes. It wouldve been cool if she married a commoner imo. In the end what was the point of pressuring Pol to get married cause Rebecca's daughter ended up being made heir so there was not a necessity to legitimise Gerald.

These parts I don't understand from you:
1. I couldn't sleep thinking by the fact that he(Luci) did the deed with one of his wives wich was what I didn't want to happen the most.
2. She had so many Time to make up her mind but she was super slow and dense… hurt me so much that she treated him like that.
#1 Sorry but he was a F*CKBOI. He slept with plenty of different women during that 10 year war. Paul, as his head guards, knows that to the point that she knows his type of woman (small and fragile). That's why she said, "If you marry just because you slept with a woman then you will have plenty of wives by now."
#2 is like you're saying that if someone is good or flirting with you, you suddenly assume that person has a crush on you. Don't you think you're too assuming? Anyways, I'd like you to put yourself in Pol's shoes. Paul was mocked plenty of times as ugly. If your (richest) + (MOST beautiful) + (ordered her to be raped because he can't do it since she's too ugly he'd rather do it with a dirty whore) + (f*ckboi) emperor suddenly flirts, will you really assume he likes you? For me, of course not. Pol never seeing Luci as a man was his fault. If he loves her, he should have confessed and asked Pol for a chance. I'm wondering what kind of treatment you want from her. If she flirted back then everyone will call her ugly seductress witch bish.
I think the problem is you expected too much romance since this manwha focused on that aspect more and when you read the novel, you were disappointed because it didn't. The novel is really all about SOCIETY/WOMEN/GENDER then added romance to spice it up a bit (for people to read it) so when the change of laws was established, the story got its conclusion. Pol and Luci's union was just bonus.
I do feel your pain though. I hated how rushed it was. I was hoping for more side stories tbh. Same as you I also want to drop this manwha because of it but I won't. Manwha did add some great stuff like that part where Donau wished Pol happiness and confessed to her while she was leaving. That wasn't in the novel so I'm hoping and praying the manwha will improvise on the ending part and show us more of Pol and Luci's romance, interraction with the children, and the wedding! So I suggest you go back by Season 4 and hopefully the manwha will do justice of the ending part and heal our broken hearts.

I get what you mean and agree with what you said but I feel like the people turning it into a webtoon are probably going to take it into other directions. Like you said the missed out alot of the messed up parts. You never know they might add or really show the future romance between Paul and Lucius. And it may not feel as rushed as the novel.

I think u misunderstood lmao, i finished it already and I loved it its just that it hurt me that it didnt show enough romance, I wasn't expecting the whole story to be romance and such, I just wanted at least 5 chaps that they would show their love, I mean yeah they showed their love but after they do pol suddenly rethinks the whole situation and it just happens again and again
I felt pain watching them so much pain, if I move on then ill read the manwha again, and as I told u it was an emotional rollercoaster thats why i had mixed feelings about this, or maybe I'll just binge read maybe by that time I've recovered,
And yeah I was uncomfortable by the fact that he slept with many people, I didn't want him to do that since I was rooting for him to confess sooner to pol, it just had so many realistic situations that stopped him from confessing, welp at least they got together in the end..
Sorry if u got pissed off ;-; I'm that type of person that likes romance and historical mixed, i didn't want this whole story to be romance either I wanted it to have slow progress it was just too slow for me and i don't have much patience like Lucius, but overall I love this so so much that i couldn't bring myself to hate it,
This story was unique I've never seen one like this most of the romance historical I've read we're nonsense situations and unrealistic ones like suddenly going into the novel they were reading, I was fascinated by how amazing this was, I truly loved this so much
Plus i got confused since I read the manwha first and i realized that there were so many things left out here that was explained in the novel (i liked the novel more)
But yeah just my opinion tho

Let me explain, I couldn't sleep cuz I was deadass set in supporting their relationship and I was rooting for them, and since I read the webtoon first i didn't expect that he wasn't a virgin, this manwha didnt mention at all that he slept with other people before meeting pol, at first i thought he was really the ideal man before reading the novel he was hot romantic cute and he was powerful he also loves his mama, his personality in the novel was completely different, he asked his knights to r*pe pol before killing her, in the web he just asked his knights to kill her not r*pe her before killing her, I was shocked by the fact that there was so many things left out in the web, if i knew that he was like that then i wouldn't be so supportive in their relationship, yk what I mean? (Please understand me I'm having a hard time explaining)
In the web he was like the best man,
But in the novel he had so many flaws that he needed to fix,
So when I read it (I'm repeating) i was shocked and as i said I was deadass gonna do anything for them to get together in the web) before reading the novel*
So when I read the novel I had to carry out the feeling of disappointment and broken heart feeling cuz i was willing to do anything for them to get together, and yes as u said he was also a jerk in the beginning of the novel, and since I was gonna do for them to get together i had to bring that feeling while reading the novel (once I decided on something I can't change it) I was also sad by the fact that so many things were changed here in the webtoon, i regret reading the novel, I only read it Cuz i was impatient and i wanted to see more I was so amazed by how good this was I wanted to read more but now I regret it i know i deserve it for being impatient, the reason why i regret reading it is cuz i could have just remained ignorant there were so many things left out im repeating and since there were so many things left out the story had a big difference in the novel and the web, I must say that the web had better chemistry and a better lucius, the novel was a more realistic version and more emotional than the webtoon, in the web, it wasn't explained that Lucius was not a virgin and it also wasn't mentioned that poliana got r*ped, I mean yes it was explained that she got harassed here in the web but it never said that she got r*ped, i just wished that I never read the novel, im trying to escape reality not go through reality , this web was much more whole some (not saying its better than the novel)
My opinion dont come for me ;-;
But I do hope that this cleared up the misunderstanding if it didn't then I'm sorry I'm not a good explainer
I was kinda disappointed with the ending.. My heart actually hurts rn I don't wanna cry but it hurts so much
The dissatisfaction I felt was too great..
I'm not saying that the ending was tragic or sad (noone died)
Yes they did end up together but I had to read 300+ just to see the progress of their relationship..
I thought that it had many chaps so it would focus on them building their relationship (in a positive way)
The ending felt to rushed..
And in this manwha I realized that there were so many details it didn't show that was in the novel
Like how in the start Lucius the first actually ordered the knights to (r*pe) poliana before killing her
And how he was mean to her in the start
But he felt so much love for her in the future and he gave her his everything so its fine and he made up for it already)
I was super upset by the fact that it didn't show enough romance about them
I even had to be satisfied with their drunken s€x..
If u wanna know how that happened u should definitely read the novel
My opinion but the novel was better plus polianas hair wasn't red instead it was blonde too (but darker)
And it was also stated that she was rather thin with muscles but not buff with abs
I feel like it couldn't satisfy what I was expecting after reading 300+ chaps just to see it rushed like this..
I mean I do understand why it was like that but it was too much..
I was so happy when she finally agreed on marrying the emperor (without any force she fell in love with the emperor cuz the emperor tried his best to pour all his love and love her dearly)
But then she cancels it the day before..
I was extremely disappointed..
So after that I tried to expect that everything would get better.. But no the emperor gave her another break (for a year)
That's when she already had Gerald btw
And during those time when they where apart the emperor was changing the laws for her..
And when it was finally the day for them to reunite the emperor proposed again.. And that's when it felt like it was rushed she said yes but it wasn't satisfying cuz to me she wasn't as happy as she was when her and Frau (the fraud)
Where preparing for their marriage
I dunno I just feel like it should have focused more on their romance rather then making them have so many problems..
Alot of people said that this was unrealistic but it was actually too realistic..
My heart is really hurting rn from the dissatisfaction..
I'm not over reacting it really hurts..
I waited 300+ chaps for this just to end this way..
She had so many Time to make up her mind but she was super slow and dense she actually pissed me off
My fav character changed to Lucius
I'm not saying this to diss pol but it just hurt me so much that she treated him like that..
I know that she considers their relationship as 'emperor an knightess' but it has gone too far
Even I won't have as much as Lucius patience therefore I respect him for that
He even took him so much time for him to woo her just for her to cancel their marriage
Plus Lucius had a baby with Rebecca wich made me much more heart broken
I was so desperate for Lucius and pol to get together
(Tho Rebecca dies cuz of child birth)
I couldn't sleep thinking by the fact that he did the deed with one of his wives wich was what I didn't want to happen the most..
It just hurted me so much that he was able to have seggs with another woman while being in love with pol
Im the type to notice every little detail bout a story so I often thought about the small details in this story and those small details were the ones that hutted me the most
Its a good novel and a good manwha but I'm just no satisfied with it overall
I just wished the author added more chemistry and effort into making their relationship progress
I'm just super heart broken
I don't think I can continue reading the manwha with more details and pics that show more emotions cuz i am super heart broken just reading the novel I don't think I can handle it I might get a mental breakdown
And u should definitely read the novel I only mentioned a bit of what happened not all so u may not understand me
And there's much more things happening not just what I mentioned now
I like this manwha super duper that I even read the novel even when I don't really read novels
But I like novels now cuz of this story
And btw just to remind u
This is only my opinion based on what i think we all have different opinions so pls try to understand me