I don't get why they dote on her so much? There is no reason for them to be lenient with her. If anything she's been impudent even for a child and should have been thrown in jail or something.. All they should have done was kill /lock up the saintess for attempted murder and then compensate the maid for helping the grand duke. That should have been the end of the story
Agree... but at times like these, I just end up thinking, “hmm, I see another shitty delivery of story, but it’s a manhwa, I won’t even try to waste my time getting mad about it” HAHAHAHAHAHA
I don't get why they dote on her so much? There is no reason for them to be lenient with her. If anything she's been impudent even for a child and should have been thrown in jail or something.. All they should have done was kill /lock up the saintess for attempted murder and then compensate the maid for helping the grand duke. That should have been the end of the story